Banned Books Week 2015

SJSU ASIS&T is excited to join the SJSU ALA Student Chapter in their participation of Banned Books Week 2015. Banned Books Week, the annual celebration of the freedom to read, runs from September 27 through October 3, 2015, and will be observed in libraries, schools, bookstores and other community settings […]

What I Wish I had Known, When….I started the ePortfiolio

By Kate Dillon, MLIS, 2015 The ePortfolio is a grueling endeavor. It requires that you assemble all of the pieces of what you’ve learned and communicate how they will further your career. It demands that you make a compelling case for your professional trajectory with highly relevant evidence gathered over […]

What I Wish I Had Known When….I started iSchool

By Seema Sairam, recent graduate Pursuing a graduate degree is not for the faint of heart. It requires a great deal of self-discipline, determination, stamina, belief in yourself and a willingness to put yourself out there. Although I knew that all of these qualities would be called upon before starting […]

How to Survive the e-Portfolio

Written by: Mariea Whittington, SJSU MLIS, Dec 2014 (Vice Chair, SJSU ASIS&T 2013-14) As many of you know, to graduate the SLIS program, you have to either write a thesis, do a thesis project, or create an e-portfolio. Many students decide to take the latter option because it gives them […]