What I Wish I had Known, When….I started the ePortfiolio

By Kate Dillon, MLIS, 2015 The ePortfolio is a grueling endeavor. It requires that you assemble all of the pieces of what you’ve learned and communicate how they will further your career. It demands that you make a compelling case for your professional trajectory with highly relevant evidence gathered over […]

What I Wish I Had Known When….I started iSchool

By Seema Sairam, recent graduate Pursuing a graduate degree is not for the faint of heart. It requires a great deal of self-discipline, determination, stamina, belief in yourself and a willingness to put yourself out there. Although I knew that all of these qualities would be called upon before starting […]

How to Survive the e-Portfolio

Written by: Mariea Whittington, SJSU MLIS, Dec 2014 (Vice Chair, SJSU ASIS&T 2013-14) As many of you know, to graduate the SLIS program, you have to either write a thesis, do a thesis project, or create an e-portfolio. Many students decide to take the latter option because it gives them […]