What I Wish I had Known, When….I started the ePortfiolio

By Kate Dillon, MLIS, 2015

The ePortfolio is a grueling endeavor. It requires that you assemble all of the pieces of what you’ve learned and communicate how they will further your career. It demands that you make a compelling case for your professional trajectory with highly relevant evidence gathered over the course of your degree.  You’ll complete the ePortfolio regardless of how impossible it seems when you’re in the midst of it. Being prepared for this process is your best defense. Waiting until you start your ePortfolio to prepare and organize will make an already grueling process that much more difficult. With that in mind, here are a few tips to help you hit the ground running when you do finally start your ePortfolio.

Get to Know the Competencies


The iSchool website provides all of the information you need to know about the competencies. Read them. Get as familiar as you can with them. The goal is to be able to classify your course assignments and school activities as evidence. A simple spreadsheet with competencies across the top and evidence vertically allows you to log each piece of work per competency. Make it part of your semester end housekeeping, along with downloading your course syllabi, assignment instructions, rubrics, and readings. Try to organize your files consistently each semester so things are easy to locate retroactively. While this may seem time consuming, this is time you’ll save yourself during the ePortfolio process.  I saved everything, including recordings and discussion board posts, and was very grateful that I did. Make printing to PDF your BFF.

Bonus: The first part of each competency essay requires you to explain your understanding of it, so you’ll be ahead of the curve when you start your ePortfolio. This will also help you anticipate which courses you need to take.

Develop a Scholarly Writing Style


While some may shy away from doing a thesis, the ePortfolio does not preclude you from communicating your learning in a scholarly voice. Take on your research papers with gusto. Emulate the writing styles of the journal articles you read. Pay attention to the structure in which you must present your research. Learn how to edit your work down to the bare essentials. Research Methods in Library and Information Science (INFO 285) is a core course that is best to take early on so that you get the tools you need to master the research paper format and writing style. Enroll in this course as soon as possible.

Bonus: Mastering this skill will prevent your ePortfolio advisor from requesting rewrites from you. Trust me. You will be challenged enough to write all that is required for your ePortfolio and won’t have time for rewrites.

Know How to Create a Basic Website


Whether in Google Sites, WordPress, or some other application, get comfortable with creating a rudimentary website. Look at the samples provided by the iSchool. There is no one right way, but the all of the requisite content must be easily accessible by both you and your ePortfolio advisor. Create your website before you begin your ePortfolio course and make sure you know how to grant your advisor access to your website. Additionally, if you want to eventually use your ePortfolio for professional reasons, use a platform that you’ll have easy access to after graduation rather than using something like Canvas.

Bonus: Building out your ePortfolio website prior to starting your ePortfolio will prevent you from wasting valuable writing time while potentially struggling with technology issues.

Join the Facebook SJSU MLIS ePortfolio Support Group


An online degree program can be isolating enough, so don’t deny yourself a supportive group of comrades during the very demanding ePortfolio process. Not only will you find helpful tips and tricks, but you can ask questions when you’re struggling or stuck, be cheered on by fellow students, and gather inspiration to keep charging ahead.

Bonus: This support mechanism will prove invaluable on those days when you’re wondering whether you’ll ever finish your ePortfolio.

Timeline Your ePortfolio Writing


By dividing the total number of weeks during the ePortfolio course into the total number of competency essays, you’ll determine how many essays you need to complete each week in order to maintain your sanity during this process. Be sure to give yourself a week or two at the end for any last minute rewrites, updates, etc. ePortfolio advisors are faculty, so they have their hands full with finals and submitting grades at the end of the semester. They may not take kindly to an ePortfolio student imposing an undue review burden on them at the last minute. Be respectful of your advisor’s time and plan your time accordingly so that you can get the support you need from them, and stick to your timeline!

Bonus: Getting organized will help you feel more in control and avoid becoming a hot mess with school, friends, and family.

Posted in Archive, Blog.