Radzinowicz Library of Criminology

There’s a Special Library for That?!: Criminology

Murder and Mayhem in the Library!

Well, perhaps not actual murder and mayhem, but in researching different types of library collections, I never expected to run across any devoted to criminology! However, there is an entire organization (the World Criminal Justice Library Network) whose membership includes dozens of these libraries in 26 countries.

I also discovered a paper written by Stuart Stone, the head librarian at the foremost criminology library in the UK, named after Leon Radzinowicz. The Radzinowicz Library is part of the Institute of Criminology at the University of Cambridge.

Radzinowicz Library of Criminology

The Radzinowicz Library of Criminology.

Interestingly,  this library actively collaborates with the Koestler Trust,  a charity that works with prisoners and holds an exhibition of their artwork each year. The library always purchases and displays a few pieces. Funding for these acquisitions comes from overdue fines. As Mr. Stone so elegantly put it,  “the delinquency of our own readers helps to contribute to the rehabilitation of others.” (Stone, 2016, p. 4).

After reading Mr. Stone’s paper, I wrote to him and, to my delight, he was kind enough to answer a few questions in a detailed email. Enjoy!
Continue reading for the full interview.

Alternative Careers for Librarians webinar

March 5th, 2014 Rachel Berrington talked about Alternative Careers for Librarians. Rachel Berrington is the Director of IEEE’s Client Services, nine professional librarians who are responsible for global customer outreach, training and awareness. The seminar was fascinating and very well attended despite a last minute glitch! See the recording link and the presentation powerpoint Read more…

Rachel Berrington speaks tonight!

Join us on March 5th,  2014 at 6:30 PST via Collaborate. Rachel Berrington will be speaking on Alternative Careers for Librarians. Collaborate link: https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=2011274&password=M.2B84D2ED9E61B170DF938EB1E87627 Rachel Berrington is the Director of IEEE’s Client Services, nine professional librarians who are responsible for global customer outreach, training and awareness.  Rachel was first hired in January 2002 as a Read more…