November 2022
SLASC Presentation with the SJSU King Library Anti-Racism Assessment Working Group
SJSU King Library’s Anti-Racist Assessment Working Group spoke with library students about local initiatives towards identifying and addressing areas in our libraries that need greater diversity, inclusivity, equity and access. The members of the Working Group conducted a panel discussion about their work.
October 2022
SLASC Presentation with Dr. Michele Villagran
![Poster for October 17 Event](
Dr. Michele A. L. Villagran, an Assistant Professor with the San José State University School of Information, joined the SJSU SLASC to discuss diversity and social justice issues in library and information science and cultural intelligence phenomena within libraries.
September 2022
Overview of SLA Student Benefits
![Flyer for Jordan Burghardt event](
Check out the event recording here!
Jordan Burghardt, Director of Engagement for the Special Libraries Association, joined the SJSU SLASC to talk about student membership benefits and how to best take advantage of them. Topics covered include educational resources, professional networking, and career opportunities.
May 2022
California Sustainable Libraries with Julianna Robbins and Stanley Wang
![Flyer for California Sustainable Libraries Event with Julianna Robbins and Stanley Wang](
Check out the event recording here!
Stan Wang from OC Public Libraries and Julianna Robbins from the California State Library joined the SJSU SLASC for a conversation about Sustainability, Climate Justice, and the Environment in California libraries. Current findings from the new CA Sustainable Libraries initiative were shared, examples of environmental programs and partners discussed, and ideas for what’s next were explored.
April 2022
Archivists in Special Libraries Panel with Laura Fisher and Samuel Russell
![Special Libraries Archivist Panel Thumbnail](
Check out the event recording here!
This panel discussion features Laura Fisher, Chief Archivist at the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles, CA and Samuel Russell, Library and Archives Collection Manager at Bok Tower Gardens in Lake Wales, FL. They shared the educational and professional backgrounds that lead them to their current roles as archivists in special libraries, in addition to sharing what it is like to work as an archivist in special libraries.
Where the Magic Happens. Hint: It’s Outside Your Comfort Zone with Deb Hunt
![Deb Hunt event flyer](
Check out the event recording here!
The wonderful thing about becoming an information professional is that you can go just about anywhere in your career. Your interests, skills, AND courage will take you. It takes guts, risk, and passion, but the rewards are amazing. In this webinar, Deb will share going to places she never imagined in her career and how you can too.
Deb Hunt is Principal of Information Edge, which specializes in knowledge and change management, document management, and digital asset management. From 2013 to 2021, she was also Library Director at the Mechanics’ Institute ( in San Francisco.
Deb was SLA’s 2013 (international) President. Her presidential theme was “Transform Knowledge and Expertise into Strategic Value.” In 2020, she served as President of SLA’s Knowledge Management Community and is the 2022 President of the SLA San Francisco Bay Area Community.
She has authored numerous articles, presented webinars and at many conferences, and has received several professional awards.
March 2022
UC Davis Archives & Special Collections with Christine Cheng
![Christine Cheng Event flyer](
Check out the event recording here!
Christine is a second-generation Chinese American who was born in Reno, Nevada and grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska. After graduating from NWU with her BA in Global Studies and a minor in German (after a year-long exchange in Germany after high school), she taught English in Japan for four years. She later attended UNC, where she earned her MS in Library Science.
Christine has been the Instruction and Outreach Librarian in UC Davis Library’s Archives and Special Collections (ASC) since 2016, where she leads the development of and is responsible for ASC’s instruction and outreach programs. She designs library services and education programs that enhance access to and understanding of rare books, manuscripts, and archival materials. Her interests are promoting and developing skills in primary source literacy.
Here are some additional resources Christine shared:
1) Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy –
2) Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching: Pedagogies & Strategies –
3) RBMS Instruction & Outreach Resources –
California State Library and State of California Event with Sabah Eltareb
![Sabah Eltareb Event Flyer](
Check out the event recording here!
Have Questions or Curious About Working for the California State Library or the State of California? Ask Me!
A presentation from Sabah Eltareb, Principal Librarian and Assistant Director at the California State Library’s California Research Bureau.
As you are working your way through Library School, it’s never too early (or late) to be thinking about what you are going to do after you graduate, and about options to leverage your education and experience into a challenging and meaningful career.
Presentation topics:
– Overview of the California Research Bureau, part of the California State Library
– What my day-to-day responsibilities involve
– Anecdotes, what I enjoy and/or find challenging about my line of work
– How I came into the position that I am currently in
– Tips for navigating California state government library jobs
February 2022
Special Libraries and Academia – Career Reflections from Both with Susan Boyd
![Susan Boyd Event Flyer](
Check out the event recording here!
Newly retired this past January, Susan shares a summary of her 43-year library experience covering two types of libraries–special libraries (23 years) and academic libraries (20 years). She covers such topics as: the background of her career choices, the major roles and responsibilities of each position, what she loved and found rewarding about her work, and advice for students getting started on their library degree. She also covers the differences between working in a special library versus an academic library.
January 2022
Life as a Military Librarian with Jada Jones
![Jada Jones Event Flyer](
Check out the event recording here!
Jada Jones is a military librarian and branch manager. She graduated with her MLIS from UNC Greensboro in 2015, which seemed a natural progression following her Bachelor’s Degree in History. She has had a very unique career, which began with a year as a graduate assistant with the Smithsonian Institutional Archives. After graduation, Jada began working for the US Food and Drug Administration for a grant-funded outreach program that gave local area youth the opportunity to develop mobile health apps for the agency. She then spent time working in the Public Affairs Office. There she provided library services to a department that didn’t know that they needed them. While with the FDA, Jada earned a graduate certificate in project management and became PMP (Project Management Professional) certified. Jada then began her military librarian career with the US Air Force in Okinawa, Japan. She spent 2 years there and then accepted a management position at an AF Base Library in Germany, where she currently works.