November 2023
George Feltenstein of Warner Bros. Discovery Library
We met George Feltenstein of Warner Bros. Discovery Library, an entertainment industry veteran who is responsible for the incredible library now owned by Warner Bros. He spoke about his journey to being the librarian/historian, stemming from a young love of film and movies. George inspired us with stories about film preservation and sharing classic films with new audiences through new formats.
Museum Roundtable
This roundtable discussion brought together three LIS professionals with experience working across some of Southern California’s museums. This event featured Melissa Hernandez (Huntington Library), Joan Jocson-Singh (Lucas Museum of Narrative Art), and Krystell Jimenez (formerly of the Ventura County Museum). View recording here.
October 2023
Librarytok & Internet Communities with Mychal Threets
TikTok star and public librarian Mychal Threets was raised by libraries. He got his first library job at the library where he got his first library card — and he is currently the Supervising Librarian at that very same library. He is chronically online and can be found on nearly every social media platform. Mychal spoke with SLASC about using social media to tell the tales of library people to encourage and support library joy. View the recording here.
“What They Don’t Tell You About Working in Reference!” with Amy Nykamp
So, you want to work in a public library? Here’s what really happens! Amy Nykamp (SJSU MLIS 2019 and SLASC Associate Advisor) has been working for the Sonoma County Library as an Extra-Help Librarian in its 15 branches and its mobile Bibliobus. In this roundtable, Amy regaled us with anecdotes of her experiences and offered tips for successfully navigating the public library world. View the recording here.
September 2023
Working at the SJSU Library: Meet Librarian Christa Bailey
Christa Bailey, SJSU’s Business, Economics, and Psychology Librarian, spoke with SLASC about her path into academic librarianship, OER, and conducting research as a tenured librarian and faculty. View the recording here.
Working In Information Ethics With Dr. Norman Mooradian
What does it mean to have information ethics? Dr. Norman Mooradian, SLASC Faculty Advisor and iSchool Professor, spoke about the meaning of information ethics and how his career has joined his study of philosophy, his experience in industry, and his teaching at the iSchool. View the recording here.
The UX Side of Academic Libraries with Dani Cook
Dani Cook, a UC San Diego (UCSD) Learning and User Experience Librarian, discussed what it looks like to take a person-centered approach in academic libraries. View the recording here.
May 2023
SLASC Event with Kim Hayden

Check out the recording here!
A conversation with Kim Hayden, Senior Archivist at the Sacramento History Center. Kim shares her extensive knowledge and expertise on the rich history of Sacramento and its surrounding areas. This is a unique opportunity to hear from one of the leading experts in Sacramento history and gain insights into the cultural and historical significance of the region. Kim Hayden is a highly experienced archivist with a background in managing and preserving archival collections. She currently serves as a Senior Archivist at the Center for Sacramento History, where she oversees the management and preservation of archival materials related to the history of the Sacramento region. In this role, Hayden plays a crucial role in assisting researchers and visitors with accessing materials, developing programs and exhibitions related to local history, and collaborating with other professionals to preserve and share the region’s cultural heritage.
April 2023
Mary Beth Corrigan, PhD, Curator of Collections on Slavery, Memory, and Reconciliation

Check out the recording here!
Dr. Corrigan has made significant contributions to the fields of history, museum studies, and African American studies, and her work has had a lasting impact on the way we understand and engage with the history of slavery and its legacy. Dr. Corrigan is the Curator of Collections on Slavery, Memory, and Reconciliation at the Booth Family Center for Special Collections at Georgetown University. She has helped the Department assess its collections related to slavery, contributed to the Maryland Province Archives digitization project, and is developing guides to support student projects using these collections. She is contributing to the development of the data model and helping with the selection of documents.
March 2023
Solo Librarianship in Special Libraries with Amanda Thompson, Health Sciences Librarian
Check out the event recording here!
A conversation with Amanda Thompson, the Senior Manager of the Health Sciences Library at Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical. This event was facilitated by Michelle Gee, Assistant Programming Director of the SJSU SLASC, who interviewed Amanda about the educational and professional experiences that led to her career as a librarian in the corporate pharmaceutical industry. Being the sole librarian in a large organization, Amanda speaks about the importance of internships, being open to opportunities outside of your comfort zone, and how librarians of all disciplines can influence change.
Amanda Thompson is the Health Sciences Librarian at Ultragenyx Pharmaceuticals, where she manages all aspects of the library as a solo librarian. In her current role, she is responsible for curating literature in support of research and development, facilitating access to information resources, and ensuring accuracy and quality of available information. Prior to Ultragenyx Amanda worked for five years as a research librarian at Sandia National Laboratories, where she provided research and reference services to scientists and engineers. Amanda earned her MLIS from San Jose State University in 2015. She has a strong passion for providing the best information to inform decisions and make positive change. In her spare time, Amanda loves to spend time with her children and her horse.