The Chicano Movement Archives

Written by: Adina Vega Edited by: Gabrielle S. Vasquez Bates A cartoon featured La Cucaracha, a Chicano rights newspaper featured in the Archives.  March 31st commemorates one of the most influential Mexican-American labor leaders and civil rights activists, César Chávez. Along with Mexican-American labor leader Dolores Huerta, he co-founded the Read more…

Botanical Libraries: Seeds of Knowledge

Photo provided by Huntington Library Author: Sereen Suleiman While botany is the science of plants, a botanical library, or horticultural library, is a type of special library that focuses on the collection of literature and materials about plants. These libraries are typically located in botanical gardens, research institutions, horticultural societies, Read more…

Happy Hour

Join SJSU SLA Student Group for Happy Hour on Dec. 11 at 6 pm PST! Come hear about our plans for Spring 2015 and beyond. Tell us what you would want to see. Join our Executive Committee or volunteer your talents in other ways. We are looking for: A social Read more…

The iSchool SLA Student Group event: Special #SLAtalk Twitter chat about law librarianship

Come join the San Jose State University’s iSchool SLA student group for our third Twitter chat on special librarianship. On November 19, 2014, from 6:00PM (PST) to 7:00PM (PST), a special #SLAtalk will be dedicated to law librarianship. The SJSU SLASC guest tweeter, Tracy Maleeff — @LibrarySherpa (Twitter), (blog) and—  will lead Read more…


EPORTFOLIO OR THESIS – WHAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU? Tuesday, September 9 2014 @ 6:00pm PST Hosted by SJSU ASIS&T Student Chapter Co-Sponsored by SJSU SLA Student Chapter Trying to decide whether the ePortfolio or Thesis option is right for you? Not sure what is involved with each type of project? Read more…

Dispatch from MLA ’14 in Chicago

The Medical Library Association annual conference took place in Chicago May 17-May 21. SLIS SLA Student Group was represented by Dr. Cheryl Dee, Mira Gaffner, Basia Delawska-Elliott and Brian Elliott. SJSU was additionally represented by librarians Jennifer Dinalo (who is also the SLISConnect Alumni President-Elect) and Valeria Molteni. The conference — Building our Read more…