Join the SJSU Special Libraries Association (SLA) student group and #medlibs chat on Thursday, October 2nd from 9-10pm EDT (6-7pm PDT) to discuss issues relating to medical librarianship. #medlibs chat will be answering any questions that you might have about being a medical librarian.

Topics can include what medical librarians do all day, hot topics in medical libraries, concerns in medical libraries, and how medical libraries are different from other types of libraries. Any questions you have about medical librarianship are welcome!

From #medlibs chat:

What is a Twitter Chat? A Twitter Chat is when a bunch of people all agree to meet on Twitter and discuss a topic at the same time.  To make it easy for everyone to see what all of the others are saying they use a #hashtag.

What is a #hashtag? A #hashtag is a Twitter shorthand tool that anyone can use to search and find everything that anyone is saying about a particular topic. (Hash is the name for this “#”.) The #hashtag for our chat is #medlibs.

How does a Twitter Chat work? We all agree to get on Twitter at the same time of day, for example 9 pm Eastern Time (US) (you may need to adjust for your time zone).  The leader of the Chat will kick things off typically with a question. Often the Chats are done by featuring an expert guest who will join the conversation and answer questions from the leader.  Anyone can then join in with a comment or question at any time.

What’s the best way to follow a Twitter Chat? Try out TweetChat at to get a list that automatically updates, or use Tweet Deck at and create a column for the hashtag #medlibs (this requires a Twitter account). You can also just watch the search stream for #medlibs on Twitter at (you may need to keep refreshing this during the chat).

Never been involved in a Twitter Chat? Now’s the time to give it a try! You can join in the fun by tweeting a question to #medlibs during the chat. Don’t be shy!

If you want more information about how Twitter Chats work, check out The Ultimate Guide to Hosting a Tweet Chat and How to Participate in a Tweet Chat.

If you miss the chat, don’t worry! The chat will be archived at


Categories: Uncategorized


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