The Assistant Communications Director supports the Director in all tasks. This includes managing SLASC’s marketing and event announcements and working with the Membership and Programming teams to develop content for the monthly newsletter and events. Responsibilities include:

  • Assist Communications Director with designing, editing & publishing the monthly newsletter
  • Assist Communications Director with designing graphics for the monthly newsletter
  • Assist Communications Director with designing event flyers in collaboration with the Programming team
  • Assist Communications Director with designing event emails
  • Contribute monthly highlights (for birthdays and at random) for individuals in the EC, general SLASC members and alumni mentors
  • in the monthly newsletter 
  • Gather information for the Kudos Corner in the newsletter
  • Assist with creating and updating Discord Events
  • Assist with creating and updating Canvas announcements
  • Assist with creating and updating Canvas calendar events
  • Share graphical content with Social Media and Web team for a consistent aesthetic across platforms.
  • Fill-in at the board meetings when the Director is unavailable.

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