SJSU ASIS&T Executive Committee Spotlight on Stephanie Akau

What is your role on the Executive Committee?

I am the Secretary/Treasurer but have taken on the responsibilities of Programming Director this year as well.

What is your focus/pathway during your time at the iSchool?

I’m focusing mostly on the Digital Services pathway while trying to take a variety of classes to broaden my perspective on future careers.

What do you enjoy about being on the ASIS&T Board?

I enjoy working with the other members of the Executive Committee and always look forward to our meetings. In the online environment it’s harder to establish and maintain connections with other iSchool students. It has been much easier to do that with the other EC members since we communicate and meet regularly.

What are three fun facts about you?

  • I was obsessed with space history as a kid and went to Space Camp in fifth grade.
  • I was a professional clarinetist before becoming interested in librarianship. At a summer music festival, my chamber ensemble played for a group of board members and donors. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor was in the audience, and for some reason I was the only one in the group who was really excited about it.
  • My two (impractical) dream jobs are to be on the Jeopardy! Clue Crew or an Iron Chef judge.
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