Developing Your Technical Skills Through Internship Experiences

WHEN: Wednesday April 2, 2014 at 6 pm PT
WHERE: Online via Blackboard Collaborate

DESCRIPTION: Join us as SJSU’s ASIS&T Student Chapter hosts “Developing Your Technical Skills Through Internship Experience,” which will be presented by Dr. Patricia C. Franks.

Internship experiences provide a way for you to earn credit and gain experience in your chosen career field at the same time. You have the opportunity to apply what you have learned in a supportive environment and to expand your professional network. You can also use your internship to expand your existing technical skills and acquire new skills. Each year, SLIS explores job postings to develop a snapshot of trends regarding job titles, applicant qualifications, and skills employers seek in new hires. The most recent report on “Emerging Career Trends” was divided into two categories: traditional positions for library and information science graduates and emerging jobs for information professionals.

During this presentation, Dr. Franks will present some of the findings related to emerging jobs, including the knowledge and skills required, and explain how you can prepare for these types of jobs through an internship experience.

SPEAKER BIO: Dr. Patricia C. Franks is an Associate Professor in the School of Library and Information Science who serves as the coordinator of the School’s Internship program, which offers more than 250 place-based and virtual internship opportunities each term. Pat speaks widely on the topic of experiential learning and internship opportunities, including presentations at the HETL Conference in Orlando, Florida, January 2013, and at the IFLA Conferences in Helsinki, Finland, August 2012, and Puerto Rico, August 2011. Pat is co-author of an article published in the Library Review in the summer of 2012, “Experiential learning and international collaboration opportunities: virtual internships.”

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