Event Recap: Dr. Stephens on Finding Joy
Missed Dr. Stephens’ September presentation, “On Finding Joy”? No problem! This blog recaps all the important details from that event! There’s enough joy for everyone!
Missed Dr. Stephens’ September presentation, “On Finding Joy”? No problem! This blog recaps all the important details from that event! There’s enough joy for everyone!
Marketing is what makes the libraries go round and round. But how should special libraries market themselves and most importantly, to whom?
Journey through this blog post for an in-depth exploration of the specialized libraries that support researchers’ understanding of our oceans and marine ecosystems.
Abracadabra! Behold the wonder of magic libraries, which store all secrets of magicians past and present. Who knew they existed?!
Check out this blog post that highlights video game collections in libraries and a nonprofit research library’s work to preserve video game history.
To block or not to block? That is the question many librarians contend with in deciding to filter users’ internet access. Although people might associate filtering with school and public libraries, “the issue of filtering Internet content is not just a public or school library issue. Academic, community colleges, and Read more…
A Special Librarian Abroad: Denmark and Sweden This past August, I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Denmark to study medieval Scandinavian manuscripts, and take in Danish history and culture for about two weeks through a summer school program offered at the Arnamagnæan Institute and University of Copenhagen. This Read more…
INTRODUCTION: Before I dive right into the main focus of this post, I’d like to share a few of my own personal thoughts on the subject. I grew up reading comics, and I have to say I never anticipated that super hero movies and comic book characters would become as Read more…
My original intent for this first blog of 2019 was for it to be on textile/fashion libraries with the hope of finding one related to one of the major legendary European fashion houses. While doing a basic Google search for a Gucci library, I stumbled upon a vintage digitized Gucci Read more…
Well, perhaps not actual murder and mayhem, but in researching different types of library collections, I never expected to run across any devoted to criminology! However, there is an entire organization (the World Criminal Justice Library Network) whose membership includes dozens of these libraries in 26 countries.
I also discovered a paper written by Stuart Stone, the head librarian at the foremost criminology library in the UK, named after Leon Radzinowicz. The Radzinowicz Library is part of the Institute of Criminology at the University of Cambridge.
The Radzinowicz Library of Criminology.
Interestingly, this library actively collaborates with the Koestler Trust, a charity that works with prisoners and holds an exhibition of their artwork each year. The library always purchases and displays a few pieces. Funding for these acquisitions comes from overdue fines. As Mr. Stone so elegantly put it, “the delinquency of our own readers helps to contribute to the rehabilitation of others.” (Stone, 2016, p. 4).
After reading Mr. Stone’s paper, I wrote to him and, to my delight, he was kind enough to answer a few questions in a detailed email. Enjoy!
Continue reading for the full interview.
Rory Dougan, Cory Laurence and Cybil Schroder — SLA Student Group members — were selected in the Silicon Valley Mentoring Program! The program is scheduled to run for six months. The students will work with their mentors on different projects and in a “variety of activities”. The Mentoring Program Kickoff Read more…
Karen Gersten-Sternheim Memorial Scholarship Special Libraries Association Southern California Chapter (SLA-SCC) “The $3,000 Karen Gersten-Sternheim Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually by the SLA-SCC to a student member pursuing a career in special librarianship. The award was established in May of 1993 at a special board meeting called by chapter President John Read more…
Here is an excellent networking opportunity for SLIS SLA members! Meet fellow colleagues in your area and learn about the benefits of membership in NCNMLG. Benefits include: • Professional Development Opportunities • Communication networks with fellow colleagues • Chapter Meetings • And others Maybe even win a Prize! Sign up Read more…
When: April 2, 2014 at 6:30 pm PST Where: via Collaborate Stephen Abram spoke about Influencing Skills for Special Librarians. Stephen Abram, MLS, former SLA president, is direction planning consultant for libraries and the information industry as managing principal at Lighthouse Partners, an associate of Dysart & Jones. He is also CEO of Read more…
Join us for the SLIS SLA Student Chapter Meeting! When: Wednesday, January 15 at 6:30pm (Pacific) via Collaborate. Where: https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=2011274&password=M.BD8AA48A0F9A06280069CF2DA2B69F Please join us in discussing the plans for the Spring semester and beyond, and help us shape the future of the chapter. We hope to see you on Wednesday!