October 2020
Correctional Institutions and Data-Driven Librarianship
Judith Jordet, Library Coordinator for the Department of Corrections, and a member of an International panel of prison librarians hosted by University of Zagreb International Symposium for Research in Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, used data-driven management to write her monthly reports that culminated with annual reports demonstrating the actual use of the library by subjects. The focus of the webinar will be on data-driven librarianship in a library where you are the only one responsible for representing the value of your library on more evidence than “outputs”. This webinar will inform anyone who wants to explore how to work in a Special Library under the mission of the entity such as the Hospital, Church, or Corporation your library will serve.

September 2020
Records and Archives & Professional Development
In this talk, JonLuc Christensen introduces the audience to the fundamentals of Records Management and Archiving to understand the areas of overlap (collision) between the two fields. This is followed by a discussion of the competing interests between the fields and how to mitigate conflict between their respective professionals. While the talk is geared towards Records Managers and Archivists and uses these fields as examples, the presentation is developed to be broad enough to apply to any subfield or workplace of the library and information profession. The discussion broadens into the general topics of Change Management and the necessity for information professionals with a broad range of skills, knowledge, and training. In order to accomplish this, Christensen concludes by discussing the value of professional development and his own personal path of professional growth, and the great value that it has brought him in his short 3 years within the profession. He then provides key tips and guidance for how you can get involved and grow professionally.
Watch the replay here.

April 2020
Advanced Job Search Tips
Learn more about the job search process with Zachary W. Painter, Engineering Librarian at Stanford University Libraries. He discusses research and teaching practices for the Stanford University Libraries by providing information literacy instruction through programs like PWR and teaching basic research computing skills through programs like the Carpentries.

March 2020
Career Paths & Options in Librarianship
Members of the San Jose State University Special Library Association Student Chapter will be featuring a webinar with Caroline M. Coward, Library Group Supervisor at JPL, on career options in libraries.