Won a library-related award recently? Started a cool new position or received a promotion? Snagged a library scholarship? We want to hear about it! Email us at sjsu.slasc@gmail.com with details of any accomplishments or news you would like to share!
- Lauren Kime accepted a new position as the Summer/Fall 2022 Asset Specialist Intern at the Muppets Studio with the Walt Disney Company.

- Marcus Ortiz was recently selected as a Bridging Knowledge Scholarship recipient (BKS). The scholarship is funded through an IMLS grant awarded to the Alaska Library Network and in partnership with the American Indian Library Association (AILA), the Alaska Library Network, and SJSU. The BKS is a 3-year cohort-style program that supports the recruitment, development, and training of 15 Native Hawaiian, American Indian, and Alaska Native scholars into the field of librarianship. Recipients receive funding to cover the costs of their entire MLIS degree, a certificate in digital assets management, as well as financial support for professional development opportunities centering the needs of Indigenous communities.

- Sabrina Gunn:
- Sabrina was accepted as the Summer 2022 Archival Intern at the American Film Institute’s (AFI) Louis B. Mayer Library.
- Sabrina will be presenting a poster on “Visionary Student Leadership: How the SJSU ALA Student Chapter Creates Opportunities for Future LIS Professionals” at the 2022 California Library Association Annual Conference in Sacramento, California.
- Sabrina was selected as the inaugural BSLISE iSchool International Scholar. In this role, Sabrina is supporting the Building Strong LIS Education (BSLISE) initiative, a working group of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA). As the BSLISE iSchool International Scholar, Sabrina will help to fulfill the iSchool’s commitment to building strong global LIS education and learning from diverse perspectives by collaborating with faculty, staff, and students from around the world on a variety of projects and initiatives.

- Tina Kremzner-Hsing was accepted for the Improving Descriptive Practices for Asian Pacific American Collections Internship in the Smithsonian’s Archive Center and Digital Programs Office at the National Museum of American History and the Asian Pacific American Center.

- Michael Van Aken:
- Michael will be presenting on “Information Sent! Learning to Answer Reference-By-Mail Letters from Incarcerated Individuals” at the 2022 CPGE Online Student Conference.
- Michael recently started an internship with the National Park Service at the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. In this virtual internship, Michael will be learning about the GGNRA’s park archives and special collections, including how to transcribe letters, transcribe oral histories, and have the opportunity to create an online exhibit.

- Katharine Haldeman was promoted to Resource Sharing and Collection Maintenance Manager at Boston University’s Fineman and Pappas Law Libraries.

- Max Gonzalez Burdick was promoted to Library Branch Manager at the Marine Corps Library. He is ecstatic to finally manage a library and further excel in his career with special libraries.

- Allison Gammons won the Theological Librarianship Student Essay Contest for her essay, “At the Intersection of Justice and Faith: Exploring the Information Seeking Behaviors of Religious Leaders Working for Social Justice” (https://doi.org/10.31046/tl.v14i2.2933) published October 2021.

- Tina Kremzner-Hsing received the Student Award from the SF Bay Area SLA Chapter for her excellent contributions as Programming Director for SJSU’s SLASC! This award recognizes a student community member for notable activities and contributions to the community and the profession. The award represents an evaluation of an individual’s career potential and emphasizes local activty and leadership of an exemplary nature.
- Laura Doublet started a new position on March 1, 2020 working at the University of Victoria in Victoria, BC, Canada in the role of Metadata Librarian.
- Carol Ng-He:
- Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLSI/NA) 2020 Student Diversity Award for Conference Attendance.
- 2020 William C. Bunce ARLIS/NA-Midstate Chapter Travel Award.
- Chicago Area Archivists 2020 Member of the Year
- Harold T. Pinkett Student of Color Award given by the Society of American Archivists in Chicago, Illinois.
- Erica Jones Miller won the 2020 Gersten-Sternheim Memorial Scholarship from the Southern California SLA Chapter and the 2020 SCALL Scholarship. Erica was also inducted into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi.
- Havilah Joy-Steinman Bakken:
- Promoted to full time at San Diego Law Library in March 2020.
- Given the Annual Meeting Grant by the American Association Law Libraries.
- Awarded a grant to attend the American Association of Law Libraries virtual conference last July, Unmasking Our Potential.
- Katharine Haldeman collaborated with three others to write “Reciprocal Onsite Access: Sharing Information by Sharing Library Spaces” which was published in v.60 no.1 2020 of the Journal of Library Administration. https://www-tandfonline-com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/doi/full/10.1080/01930826.2019.1685270 (SJSU access)
- Allison Gammons was awarded a Special Session Scholarship for New Students, Spring 2020 from the SJSU ischool. Allison’s scholarship website can be seen here.
- Salvado Villegas Jr was hired for the position of Librarian in Modesto, California.
- Daniel Davis was awarded the Freedom to Read Foundation Fall 2020 Intellectual Freedom Course Scholarship.
- Max Gonzalez Burdick was hired as a Library Technician at the Marine Corps Combat Center Library in Twentynine Palms, California.

- Rachel DeBoer was awarded the Special Sessions Scholarship for returning students in the Spring and Fall Semesters from the SJSU school.
- Carol Ng-He published the article “Exhibits for All: Fostering a Creative Culture for Community Growth” in Illinois Library Association Reporter.
- Havilah Steinman was awarded the Southern California Association of Law Libraries Scholarship with the byline “Congratulations to these talented and ambitious MLIS candidates who have demonstrated a vested interest in law librarianship as a career! We look forward to their future contributions to our profession.” Check out Havilah in the SCALL Newsletter.
- Rachel DeBoer was the recipient of a Special Session Scholarship for New Students in Fall 2019. You can view her scholarship presentation below: Public Libraries as a Platform for Healthy Living.
- Laura Doublet was the recipient of a Special Session Scholarship for Current Students in Fall 2018. Check out her scholarship presentation.
- Linta Kunnathuparambil has accepted a position as Systems and Digital Initiatives Library Assistant at Loyola Marymount University. She previously worked as a Library Assistant at the Getty Research Institute.

- Dr. Dee was awarded the iSchool Distinguished Service Award (Faculty) It is with immense pride and pleasure that we can announce that our very own faculty advisor, Dr. Cheryl Dee, recently received the iSchool Distinguished Service Award (Faculty) for 2018! This annual award is granted to the faculty member that demonstrates outstanding service and leadership within the University community, and embodies the mission of the iSchool, while enriching the lives of its students. Dr. Dee exemplifies these qualities in all that she does for the SLASC. As a tirelessly motivating force within our group, she continually shapes the scholarly and professional lives of current and past members through encouragement, advice, and compassion. Members have greatly benefited from her experienced guidance and leadership, resulting in the successful growth and revitalization of the iSchool’s award-winning and dynamic SLASC. We extend our congratulations and applause to Dr. Dee on this well-deserved award; thank you for being the very essence of our group and for wholeheartedly supporting all we do!

Dr. Dee (right), receiving her award from Dr. Hirsch, February 26, 2018.
- Laura Doublet was promoted to Manager, Operations, Archives and Special Collections at the University of Calgary, Libraries and Cultural Resources.
- Heather Kiger was awarded ALA’s Federal and Armed ForcesLibraries Round Table (FAFLRT) Rising Star award for her work at Yosemite Research Library in 2016. Congratulations!
- The Student Research Journal‘s newest issue includes its first ever book review by our own Mary Vasudeva.
- Kate Spaulding and Ame Maloney were selected to present a paper at SLA’s 2017 Annual Conference in Phoenix. They are studying the impact that students’ professional association participation has on careers.
- Mary Vasudeva published a post on Women in Book Cover Design on the American Bookbinders Museum blog.
- Kate Spaulding won a travel grant to SLA’s 2017 Annual Conference from the SLA Silicon Valley Chapter. Jonathan Christensen also won a grant from the Southern California Chapter.
- At the Medical Library Association’s Annual Meeting in Seattle this year, Basia Delawska-Elliott will be presenting Information Literacy Training to Improve Nursing Care at the Bedside: Librarian Participation in an Evidence-based Practice Pilot and Beyond at a poster session on May 30, 2017.
- Heather Kiger began the Library Residency program at Santa Barbara City College. Kiger says, “As an undergraduate I attended Santa Barbara City College before transferring to UC Santa Barbara, so it’s even more rewarding to get to return here to serve the community that gave so much to me.” She wrote about her experience on the library’s blog.
- Basia Delawska-Elliott (along with co-authors Huffman and Martin) authored an article in JMLA titled “Creating a Library Holding Group: An Approach to Large System Integration.”
- Dana Lema was featured on the iSchool’s Community Profie page speaking about her journey to becoming involved with special libraries. Lema says that “There are more possibilities than I can even imagine. Libraries are in so many different environments, meeting so many different needs.”
- Amanda Mellinger was featured on the iSchool’s Community Profile page. Mellinger says that “my favorite part of being in archives management is the discovery of historically significant original source material,” she affirms. “This is what I wanted to do.”
- Dana Lema authored a column (SJSU Access) published in Medical Reference Services Quarterly titled “Meeting Nontraditional Medical Information Needs for the Unique Populations and Geographically Remote Locations of Alaska.”
- Heather Kiger was featured on the iSchool’s ‘Community Profile’ page talking about her internship at Yosemite National Park.
- Dr. Dee, Basia Delawska-Elliott, and Brian Elliott were among those who attended the 2016 Medical Libraries Association Conference in Toronto. Basia presented a poster entitled, “Building a Shared Modern Hospital Web Portal” and Brian presented a posted entitled, “Marketing Hospital Libraries: The Ideal and the Real”.
- Basia Delawska-Elliott was awarded the Medical Libraries Association Hospital Libraries Section Scroll of Exemplary Service Award.
- The SJSU School of Information proudly announces the 2016 graduating student award winners: Kayla Marie Figard, Jennifer Crawford, Lisa Cheby, Melissa Anderson, and Barbara (Basia) Delawska-Elliott. Congratulations, graduates! Read the full story here!
- Congratulations to our current SLASC President, Basia Delawska-Elliott who received the 2016 Director’s Award for Excellence in Building Community, which is awarded to the student who shows a demonstrated ability to work collaboratively and build communities of all types!
- Melissa Anderson won the Director’s Award for Excellence in Intellectual Inquiry, having shown intellectual curiosity above and beyond her required coursework, a passion for learning, and continued learning. Great work!
- Congratulations to Jennifer Crawford who received the Director’s Award for Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion for demonstrating outstanding leadership to benefit an economically, linguistically, or otherwise diverse service population.
- Rebecca Leung is the proud recipient of the iSchool Current Students Faculty Scholarship for 2016.
- Brian Elliott received the Medical Library Association Hospital Library Section Travel Award to attend MLA 2016.
- We are pleased to announce that Yael Eidelman Hod is the recipient of the Kaiser Permanente Scholarship through the iSchool. The scholarship is endowed by Kaiser Permanente to support candidates interested in a career in medical librarianship and health informatics.
- Accolades to three SLASC members who went above and beyond to help out the group and the student body: Dana Spinney represented SLASC on the iSchool SWAG Committee; Rachel Salzano represented SLASC on the iSchool Convocation Committee; and Sarah Liberman created SLASC’s ScholarWorks page.
- Yael Eidelman Hod & Heather Kiger presented the poster LIS Student to medical librarian: Challenges to medical librarianship promotion at the SJSU iSchool – A case report at the Northern California & Nevada Medical Library Group and Medical Library Group of Southern California & Arizona joint meeting in January 2016 on the Stanford University campus.
- Brian Elliott was awarded the Medical Libraries Association Hospital Libraries Section Scroll of Excellence Service Award.
- Bridget Thrasher has been appointed as the President-Elect for SLA – Silicon Valley Chapter.
- Kimberly Carle has been appointed as the Treasurer for SLA – Silicon Valley Chapter.
- Basia Delawska-Elliott is the lead author of an article published in the October 2015 issue of Medical Reference Services Quarterly — Developing a Marketing Orientation in Hospital Library Services (SJSU Access).
- Rebecca Leung has been awarded a scholarship to attend the History of Cartography, a class in the California Rare Book School.
- Basia Delawska-Elliott has been awarded the Gail Fullerton Endowment Scholarship by SJSU.
- Dr. Cheryl Dee has been named Fellow of the Medical Library Association.

- Rebecca Leung received the 2015 Travel Stipend Award from the SF Bay Region Chapter of SLA to attend the SLA Annual Conference in Boston.

- Cory Laurence was the Fall 2014 recipient of the Special Libraries Association Silicon Valley Scholarship. Cory was also appointed President-Elect of the SV-SLA Chapter.
- Basia Delawska-Elliott is the co-author of an article published in the January 2015 issue of the Journal of the Medical Library Association — Combining Resources, Combining Forces: Regionalizing Hospital Library Services in a Large Statewide Health System.
- Rory Dougan received the 2014 Travel Stipend Award from the SF Bay Region Chapter of SLA.
- Cory Laurence is the Spring 2014 recipient of the Special Libraries Association Silicon Valley Scholarship.
- Ian Matzen is the 2014 recipient of the Graduate Student Scholarship.
- Basia Delawska-Elliott is the 2014 recipient of the Kaiser Permanente Medical Librarianship.
- Danica Rice, SLIS student and SLA group member published an article entitled The Red Notebook Connects Librarians with Deaf Persons in the April 22, 2014 issue of the Silent Grapevine.
- Brittany Austin, SLIS student and SLA group member is a recipient of the Dance Preservation and Archives Fellowship awarded by the Dance Heritage Coalition. Read Brittany Austin’s bio and the story on the Dance Heritage Coalition website.
- Rory Dougan, Cory Laurence and Cybil Schroder, SLIS students and SLA Student group members, were selected for the Silicon Valley SLA Chapter Mentoring Program. The event kickoff took place on March 23, 2014.
- Sara Kelso, SLIS student, SLIS SLA member and the Managing Editor of the SJSU SLIS Student Research Journal has published an article, Get Involved and Reap the Benefits: Advantages of Professional Library Membership on the Hack Library School blog.
- Basia Delawska-Elliott, SLIS student and SLIS SLA Membership and Marketing Coordinator is a co-recipient of the Medical Library Association Hospital Libraries Section Professional Development Award for 2014.
- Ian Matzen, SLIS student and SLA Student group member, was interviewed by SLIS faculty John Horodyski about his job in Digital Asset Management. The interview was published on the SLIS site on February 28, 2014. Read the interview and follow Ian’s blog on digital asset management.
- Basia Delawska-Elliott, SLIS student and SLIS SLA Membership and Marketing Coordinator will be presenting a paper at the MLA Annual Conference in Chicago.
Martin, H. J., & Delawska-Elliott, B. Title: Combining Resources, Combining Forces: Regionalizing Hospital Library Services in a Large State-Wide Health System Track: Architects of the Future: Managing 21st Century Resources
- Dr. Cheryl Dee published an article in the Medical Reference Services Quarterly:
Dee, C. R., & Reynolds, P. (2013). Lifelong learning for nurses-building a strong future (SJSU Access). Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 32(4), 451–8. doi:10.1080/02763869.2013.837741
- Dr. Cheryl Dee created “a searchable, online presentation of the annual Congressional appropriations testimonies and selected speeches and articles written by the former National Library of Medicine Director Martin M. Cummings, M.D.”: In His Own Words: Martin Cummings and the NLM. Read the SLIS article about Martin Cummings project.
- Dr. Cheryl Dee was invited to write an obituary of Martin M. Cummings. It was published in the Journal of the Medical Library Association.
Dee, C. R., & Smith, K. A. (2012). Martin M. Cummings, AHIP, FMLA, 1920–2011. Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA, 100(3), 157–60.