Do your cranky patrons wear lab coats?


Are you at the type of library where “story time” involves case law?


Does your collection involve 1000+ page books, or even no books at all?

Are you one of the few, the proud, the special librarians?

If you wish CLA had more content for you, you’re in luck…

The California Library Association has authorized the creation of a Special Libraries Interest Group.

Our Mission:

The Special Libraries Interest Group of CLA, or SLIG, will work to provide professional development resources, guidance, networking opportunities and mentorship to special librarians at the statewide level, and to facilitate the exchange of ideas and sharing of resources between special libraries, and other libraries in California.

We plan to offer a Newsletter/Blog, active discussion via a Listserve, Interactive Tours and Webinars for Spring Fling, and programming and networking events for annual conference.

Interested in helping? We are actively looking for volunteers!

Volunteer opportunities:

Looking to get involved with CLA, but wondered where you fit in because you didn’t work for a public institution? Here’s your chance. We need help with leadership, programming and networking events at the annual conference. We especially encourage students interested in special libraries to get involved with this group. It would be a great opportunity to learn about the variety of special libraries in California in addition to networking with special librarians on a local level.

For more information, please contact:

Dolly Moehrle –

Joy Rodriguez –

Tina Lerno Katz –

Categories: iSchool SLA


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