Joining the SJSU SLA Student Chapter

Photo of the Chavez Fountain at SJSU.  Photo by David Schmitz
Chavez fountain. Photo by David Schmitz.


All SJSU iSchool students are eligible for a free membership in the Student Chapter regardless of SLA membership status. To join simply enter your name and email address in the form on the left and we will send you a confirmation and a welcome message.

Why Join Our Chapter?

Do you like math and science? Are you interested in connecting people with information about medicine or the law? Perhaps you have discovered your passion in a performing arts or film library. Do you want to work with something other than books? If you’re drawn to an environment that’s not your normal library and you want to join an active organization at SJSU’s iSchool, then the Special Libraries Association Student Chapter (SLASC) may be for you.

What a professional organization can do for you:

  • Put you into contact with working professionals who understand the unique challenges of special librarianship
  • Meet others and establish a group of contacts
  • Be informed of the latest trends

The benefits of becoming a member of our group:

  • Access to webinars and colloquia featuring special librarians discussing current topics and interests in the profession
  • Enjoy programs designed by and for SJSU iSchool students and have the ability to let us know what kinds of speakers and presentations you’d like to see
  • Work closely with faculty members who are special librarians
  • Meet other students interested in special librarianship
  • Connect with mentors in local SLA communities

Why Join SLA?

Although membership in the Special Libraries Association is not required for Student Chapter membership, we encourage all members and anyone interested in special librarianship to join SLA. Student membership is $10 per year for up to 5 years.

Membership comes with perks:

  • one free membership to a geographically-based chapter
  • one free membership to a subject-based division
  • a free subscription to Information Outlook

Membership in SLA has other benefits such as deeply discounted registration to conferences, networking opportunities, and access to mentors. To learn more go to the Student Member Benefits website. To join SLA follow this link to the SLA Access Membership page.

Everyone is welcome to join the SLA Student Chapter! We look forward to working with you!