November 15, 2016: 6:30 PM PST

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Tracy Z. Maleeff

Tracy Z Maleeff2

Title: Sharpening Career and Networking Skills for Fun & Profit


Congratulations, you will have an MLIS degree soon! Now, what? Whether library and information science is your first, second, or third career, learn how there are skills to be honed that you can use in both your professional and personal life. Learn tricks and tips about networking, public speaking, and research that can help you reach your life goals. Our speaker, Tracy Z. Maleeff, will share her story of recognizing her transferable skills along her career path as well as how fine-tuning her networking skills brought great results.

Speaker Bio:

You may know Tracy Z. Maleeff as @LibrarySherpa on Twitter. A former law firm librarian, Tracy now has her own independent information professional business, Sherpa Intelligence. She provides research and social media consulting services to clients, with a focus on the information security industry. A long-time member of the Special Libraries Association, Tracy was named an SLA Fellow in 2015 and was also the recipient of the 2014 Dow Jones Innovate Award and the 2016 Wolters Kluwer Law & Business Innovations in Law Librarianship Award. She can be found online at or

Categories: iSchool SLA