SLASC is looking for current SJSU students to fill upcoming and current vacancies on its Board! Getting involved is a great way to build your resume and professional connections while gaining valuable experience you can use after graduating. To apply, send an email to with the subject line Self Nomination and indicate the positions you are interested in. A full list of openings can be found below.

Vice President/President-Elect:  Supports the duties of the group’s chair. Steps in to fulfill presidential duties in the absence of the chair (see presidential duties and procedures). Maintains and builds collaborations with local chapters, SJSU student groups, and other SLA student groups.

Assistant Programming Director:  Works with the Programming Director in planning for and organizing Student Chapter events; provides input regarding possible presenters and events, assists in communicating with prospective and confirmed speakers, works with SJSU admin staff to post announcements, and attends events as moderator. The Programming Director’s role is varied and the assistant’s role can be modified to suit candidate’s interests and strengths

Membership Director:  Responsible for reaching out to various channels to broadcast ways of getting involved with the student chapter. This includes emails in which the students contact us, individual class announcements, conferences with other student organizations, and administrative announcements from the iSchool leadership.

Assistant Membership Director:  Works directly with the senior counterpart to learn the role and assist in duties related to facilitating recruitment and onboarding new members. As every director has a different style of communication and recruitment, the Assistant is also encouraged to create, share, try, and test new methods for future organizational growth.

Virtual Convocation Student Celebration Taskforce: Create a virtual celebratory send off for this year’s graduates to play at the end of the live virtual convocation ceremony in May, 2017. Last year, a photo montage of students was created and was played at the end of the live virtual convocation ceremony. Using your creativity and skills, we can make this a truly meaningful experience for graduating students.

Communications Director:  Coordinates the group’s marketing, event announcements, and newsletter. The Communications Director promotes the group and its activities to the iSchool community and SLA. The Communications Director seeks out collaborations with student groups and SLA chapters and with maintaining existing collaborations.

Assistant Communications Director:  Works closely with the Communications Director to promote SLASC and to seek out collaboration opportunities.


Categories: iSchool SLA