Star Party
Houston we have a … Star Party!
Houston we have a … Star Party!
Need advice about the MLIS program? Our graduating SLASC members are here to give you advice!
November is here, and do you know what that means? It’s Dinovember! Military libraries like the Combat Center Library and Shadow Mountain Branch Library in 29 Palms, California, are celebrating the fun and awesomeness that comes from dinosaurs!
Take a look at some of the groundbreaking and historic women who have made a lasting impact in special libraries.
Missed Dr. Stephens’ September presentation, “On Finding Joy”? No problem! This blog recaps all the important details from that event! There’s enough joy for everyone!
Marketing is what makes the libraries go round and round. But how should special libraries market themselves and most importantly, to whom?
Journey through this blog post for an in-depth exploration of the specialized libraries that support researchers’ understanding of our oceans and marine ecosystems.
Abracadabra! Behold the wonder of magic libraries, which store all secrets of magicians past and present. Who knew they existed?!
Authors: Max Gonzalez Burdick, Sarah Walters & Sereen Suleiman Wow! Words alone cannot describe what an incredible presentation A Night At The Circus was. For those of you who missed this event, do not fret, the SLASC Blog Team has you covered! Read below to find out what happened! Also, Read more…
Photo provided by Huntington Library Author: Sereen Suleiman While botany is the science of plants, a botanical library, or horticultural library, is a type of special library that focuses on the collection of literature and materials about plants. These libraries are typically located in botanical gardens, research institutions, horticultural societies, Read more…
Come along on this tour of the wonderful world of museum libraries as we highlight eclectic collections around the globe.
Check out this blog post that highlights video game collections in libraries and a nonprofit research library’s work to preserve video game history.
Check out what the Marine Corps Combat Center Library did for Valentine’s Day 2021! What did your library do? Post your comments below! -Max Gonzalez Burdick
Where does one go to find information on Scottish beer from the 1920s? I found myself asking that same question as I started my holiday baking this year. I came across an unusual recipe that I wanted to try: Fochabers Gingerbread, a traditional Scottish gingerbread containing beer. Unfortunately, the original 1929 Read more…
From all of us at SLASC…
To block or not to block? That is the question many librarians contend with in deciding to filter users’ internet access. Although people might associate filtering with school and public libraries, “the issue of filtering Internet content is not just a public or school library issue. Academic, community colleges, and Read more…
Hello fellow information professionals! We, here at the Special Library Association Student Chapter, would like to tell you that we are hopeful and committed in creating blogs just for you. Our purpose is to feed inspiration and happiness within the informational world and that is what we will provide to you Read more…
A Special Librarian Abroad: Denmark and Sweden This past August, I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Denmark to study medieval Scandinavian manuscripts, and take in Danish history and culture for about two weeks through a summer school program offered at the Arnamagnæan Institute and University of Copenhagen. This Read more…
INTRODUCTION: Before I dive right into the main focus of this post, I’d like to share a few of my own personal thoughts on the subject. I grew up reading comics, and I have to say I never anticipated that super hero movies and comic book characters would become as Read more…
Join us this coming Tuesday (March 26th) as we explore the world of museums and art libraries. Learn about the skills and knowledge needed for this exciting area of librarianship. We’ll hear from information professionals who work in art and history museum settings, as they discuss their positions, job responsibilities, Read more…
My original intent for this first blog of 2019 was for it to be on textile/fashion libraries with the hope of finding one related to one of the major legendary European fashion houses. While doing a basic Google search for a Gucci library, I stumbled upon a vintage digitized Gucci Read more…