
November is here, and do you know what that means? It’s Dinovember! Military libraries like the Combat Center Library and Shadow Mountain Branch Library in 29 Palms, California, are celebrating the fun and awesomeness that comes from dinosaurs! 

Botanical Libraries: Seeds of Knowledge

Photo provided by Huntington Library Author: Sereen Suleiman While botany is the science of plants, a botanical library, or horticultural library, is a type of special library that focuses on the collection of literature and materials about plants. These libraries are typically located in botanical gardens, research institutions, horticultural societies, Read more…

Calling All Bloggers!

Hello fellow information professionals! We, here at the Special Library Association Student Chapter, would like to tell you that we are hopeful and committed in creating blogs just for you. Our purpose is to feed inspiration and happiness within the informational world and that is what we will provide to you Read more…