The Archivist manages the records of SLASC through the maintenance of the Google Drive and all corresponding team folders. These records may include video, audio, official correspondence, correspondence templates, photographs, and any other items deemed to be of enduring value. At the end of each school year, the Archive Team identifies any files that may be deleted or moved into necessary “archive” folders. The Archive Team also periodically monitors the Google Drive to keep files in an organized structure and maintains and updates SLASC’s ScholarWorks account. 

  • Attend Executive Committee meetings and programs when possible
  • Answer any inquiries through correspondence
  • Upload programming Zoom files to ScholarWorks with appropriate metadata within a week of program (when possible)
  • Schedule and attend end of year (May) team Zoom meeting. Help 1st and 2nd Assistants to clear and orangnize drive
  • Write any needed tutorials for Assistants
  • Complete any organizational projects or tasks requested by the Executive Committee

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