Why Join the SJSU ASIS&T Executive Committee?

As the semester starts to wind down and final papers, projects, and tests start to fill your academic plates, there is just one more thing to think about – running for a position for the SJSU ASIS&T Executive Committee for the 2014-2015 year!

This year I had the honor of serving with a wonderful group of people as Vice Chair of SJSU’s ASIS&T Chapter. And as I reflect on this past year, what I really remember and treasure most is the dedication and perseverance of our chapter, which was due in part to our exemplary committee. The reason why our chapter was successful is due to the tireless efforts of our Chair, Suzi, Secretary Markita, Treasurer Marisa, Social Media Admin Lauren, Webmaster Lissette, Communications Officer Jessica, Program Director Jeremy, and Membership Director Kate. This great bunch of people worked behind the scenes, from preparing minutes, to creating and hosting events, to even revamping our website! They were able to do all of this in tandem with their SLIS coursework and internships. I hope each and every one of you know what a treasure you are to the SJSU chapter! [Suzi’s note: Right back at you, Mariea! Thank you for all you have done!]

You may be thinking “I’m not sure if being a part of the Executive Committee is for me.” Rest assured that there are many positions available that will play to your strengths. Also, the entire committee itself is there to help you, so be sure to use that as a resource! It takes teamwork to run a student chapter.

Nominations for the Executive Committee opened on April 21st and will be accepted until April 26th. (See this post for details!) I highly encourage you to join! Not only will you have a new group of colleagues to work and grow with, but you have the advantage of being of being on the forefront of learning about new theories, techniques, and technology in managing information.

Our chapter needs creative, dedicated, and talented people just like you for the 2014-2015 academic year. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email us at SJSUASIST@gmail.com.

I wish you all success and prosperity for 2014 and beyond!

-Mariea Danielle Whittington, Vice Chair 2013-2014

Posted in Archive, Blog.