January 2017
Student Associations Panel
Join us for a one-hour panel presentation from the iSchool’s student association chapters: ALA, ASIS&T, iSchool Connext, SAA, SLA, and VCARA. Everyone welcome. Recording available here
February 2017
SJSU ASIS&T Executive Committee Meeting
The SJSU ASIS&T Student Chapter will be holding its monthly Executive Committee business meeting on Sunday, February 12. This meeting is open to all SJSU students and faculty. This meeting will serve as a general business meeting for the Student Chapter’s board members. However, we greatly appreciate and encourage Student Chapter members as well as non-members to attend our meetings, check us out, as well as contribute your own thoughts and suggestions. Outside input is welcomed. Please join the meeting…
Meet the Authors: Top Trends and Tips in LIS Research
Meet the Authors of the New LIS Research Methods Book! Lynn Silipigni Connaway and Marie L. Radford Discuss Top Trends and Tips in LIS Research The new edition of Research Methods in Library and Information Science is a practical and comprehensive introduction to research design, presenting up-to-date coverage of the principles and data collection techniques for quantitative and qualitative research methods — along with the advantages and disadvantages of each. The new edition includes added sections featuring the voices of…
From MARC Silos to Linked Data silos?
From MARC Silos to Linked Data Silos? Data Models for Bibliographic Linked Data Many libraries are experimenting with publishing their metadata as Linked Data to open up bibliographic silos, usually based on MARC records, to the Web. The libraries who have published Linked Data have all used different data models for structuring their bibliographic data. Some are using a FRBR-based model where Works, Expressions and Manifestations are represented separately. Others have chosen basic Dublin Core, dumbing down their data into…
March 2017
Silencing Science: Attempts to Curb Federal Employees’ Communication With the Public
In January, officials at the EPA and the USDA received memos barring them from releasing information to the public or using their social media accounts to disperse factual knowledge. This type of action choreographed by the new administration has caused a ripple effect, leaving federal scientists uncertain about their rights and abilities to communicate. These career civil servants are often at the forefront of science and provide key policy input. In this webinar, these and other actions will be discussed…
SJSU ASIS&T Executive Committee Meeting
The SJSU ASIS&T Student Chapter will be holding its monthly Executive Committee business meeting on Sunday, March 12. This meeting is open to all SJSU students and faculty. This meeting will serve as a general business meeting for the Student Chapter’s board members. However, we greatly appreciate and encourage Student Chapter members as well as non-members to attend our meetings, check us out, as well as contribute your own thoughts and suggestions. Outside input is welcomed. Please join the meeting…
Meet the Author: Taxonomy Fundamentals
Meet the Author of The Accidental Taxonomist! With the growth of electronic content, taxonomies and other knowledge organization systems are increasingly used to support content and information management and retrieval. Implementations include published literature retrieval databases, digital library collections, digital archives, knowledge repositories, enterprise content and document management, and intranet and website navigation and search. Librarians, archivists, content managers, digital asset managers, records managers, information architects, knowledge managers, information technologists, and subject-matter-experts all may find themselves at some point performing…
The Role of Information Scholars and Professionals in Responding to Fake News, Misinformation, and Propaganda
In an era where fake news, misinformation, and propaganda are circulated rapidly via social media and destabilize traditional expertise and authority, information scholars and professionals are called upon to respond. We must engage in the public conversation about misinformation and its effects, and support those working to counteract it. Moreover, we need to educate future information professionals who can engage in these conversations and who can help others develop digital literacy skills. Perhaps now more than ever, digital literacy matters,…
April 2017
Re-envisioning Management Education and Training for Information Professionals
The evolving demand for workforce skills has often been a topic of discussion at various professional LIS conferences. Although LIS schools tend to highlight the goal of preparing future members of the LIS profession to be effective leaders, a curriculum gap still exists. Most LIS schools are still falling short when it comes to offering advanced management courses on a regular basis. Consequently, this lack of adequate management education and training in LIS Schools tends to contribute to the development…
Data on the Web Best Practices: Challenges and Benefits
There is a growing interest in the publication and consumption of data on the Web. Government and non-governmental organizations already provide a variety of data on the Web, some open, others with access restrictions, covering a variety of domains such as education, economics, ECommerce and scientific data. Developers, journalists, and others manipulate this data to create visualizations and perform data analysis. Experience in this area reveals that a number of important issues need to be addressed in order to meet…
May 2017
What I Wish I Had Known… Tips for Success from Recent Grads
Join recent graduates of the SJSU School of Information for this candid discussion about how to prepare for the e-Portfolio and navigate a successful graduation. Students at all stages of their degree will benefit from this interactive panel presentation. Bring your questions. This event is being hosted by the ASIS&T Student Chapter, and attendees can win a free ASIS&T student membership! Session Link: https://goo.gl/b5LuQX Recording Link: https://youtu.be/pNIDj3h39Ok Individuals requiring real-time captioning or other accommodations should contact Dr. Sue Alman as soon…
SJSU ASIS&T Executive Committee Meeting
The SJSU ASIS&T Student Chapter will be holding its monthly Executive Committee business meeting on Sunday, May 14. This meeting is open to all SJSU students and faculty. This meeting will serve as a general business meeting for the Student Chapter’s board members. However, we greatly appreciate and encourage Student Chapter members as well as non-members to attend our meetings, check us out, as well as contribute your own thoughts and suggestions. Outside input is welcomed. Please join the meeting…
From Digital Library to Digital Archive: Implementing Digital Preservation Efforts
The University of Southern Mississippi has been digitizing materials for almost two decades. Similar to other institutions, backups were considered “preservation” of digital objects. In 2013, we started learning what was really required to preserve our data. We slowly started testing methods, proving validity of tools, and implementing improvements – all with minuscule resources. After demonstrating years of data, projections for the future, and calculating the true cost – including staffing resources and time – we transitioned to a robust…
Me4MAP: A Method for the Development of Metadata Application Profiles
A metadata application profile (MAP) is a construct that provides a semantic model to publish data in the Web of Data. This semantic model is no more than a data model with the definition of proper-ties and its constraints. Each property is defined through a RDF vocabulary term, with the defini-tion of domain and range, and cardinality for each term. According to the DCMI document “In-teroperability Levels for Dublin Core Metadata”, a MAP is a construct that enhances semantic in-teroperability.…
Meet the Author: Digital Preservation Metadata for Practitioners – Implementing PREMIS
This book begins with an introduction to fundamental issues related to digital preservation metadata before proceeding to in-depth coverage of issues concerning its practical use and implementation. It helps readers to understand which options need to be considered in specifying a digital preservation metadata profile to ensure it matches their individual content types, technical infrastructure, and organizational needs. Further, it provides practical guidance and examples, and raises important questions. It does not provide full-fledged implementation solutions, as such solutions can,…
June 2017
How to Design & Build Semantic Applications with Linked Data
This webinar will demonstrate how to design and build rich end-user search and discovery applications using Linked Data. The Linked Open Data cloud is a rapidly growing collection of publicly accessible resources, which can be adopted and reused to enrich both internal enterprise projects and public-facing information systems. The webinar will use the Linked Canvas application as its primary use-case. Linked Canvas is an application designed by Synaptica for the cultural heritage community. It enables high-resolution images of artworks and…
September 2017
Meet the Author: Documents That Changed the Way We Live
In 1854, an epidemic of cholera struck the Soho area of London. The prevailing belief was that it was spread by “miasma,” or noxious air. John Snow, a physician and miasma skeptic, began talking to local residents and then to plot the homes of those infected on a map of the neighborhood. This map revealed that cases were centered on a particular pump on Broad Street and illustrated a grim truth: turn left to get your water and your family…
Information Visualization for the Future Generation Catalog
The mass availability of large digital collections offered by libraries is partly forcing the online library catalog to become an information exploration and analysis tool. Over the past decade, the continuing transition towards discovery catalogs has provided a number of opportunities to develop novel library data exploration tools and services. One promising avenue is Information Visualization (IV), which refers to a range of techniques that aim to facilitate users’ interaction with large datasets. How can IV help libraries and their…
October 2017
SJSU ASIS&T Executive Committee Meeting
The SJSU ASIS&T Student Chapter will be holding its monthly Executive Committee business meeting on Sunday, October 8. This meeting is open to all SJSU students and faculty. This meeting will serve as a general business meeting for the Student Chapter’s board members. However, we greatly appreciate and encourage Student Chapter members as well as non-members to attend our meetings, check us out, as well as contribute your own thoughts and suggestions. Outside input is welcomed. Please join the meeting…
November 2017
Transferable skills and the LIS degree: How to market your LIS skills to job markets outside of libraries
Join Jill Klees for a discussion about how to sell all the information organization, communication, and collaboration skills you’ve developed in library school for non-library job markets. Come prepared with questions! This webinar is appropriate for current iSchool students and recent graduates looking to expand their job search and is co-sponsored by SJSU’s ASIS&T Student Chapter. Event recording: https://sas.elluminate.com/site/external/jwsdetect/nativeplayback.jnlp?sid=2011274&psid=2017-11-02.1804.D.B62CC359E024F60B2B232339AEE662.vcr