Fall 2011 Events: Banned Books Week and Teen Read Week

In Fall 2011, ALASC partnered with SLISConnect to host the Banned Books Week virtual read-out. The event was entitled Read Banned Books: Celebrate Your Intellectual Freedom. As in previous years, many students attended as both active participants and listeners, and all were highly entertained by the captivating readings provided by SLIS students who used a wide array of challenged books as source material.

A screenshot from the virtual, Elluminate-based event

ALASC had organized a poster contest, and the winner was announced during the Banned Books Week read-out: Edward William, for his The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn-themed poster.

A screenshot of the winning poster from ALASC's poster contest.

A few weeks later, ALASC hosted a Teen Read Week event: author Jessica Warman was interviewed by ALASC’s own Elaine Hall and Elizabeth Borghi.

Slide from the virtual event showing Jessica Warman, who was interviewed via Elluminate.

Ms. Warman was the perfect choice to speak to SLIS students, as she is all-too familiar with the balancing act many SLIS students have to employ to manage school, work, family life, volunteer commitments, and other activities.

Ms. Warman spoke about her own personal experience balancing graduate school and family responsibilities.

The ALASC team looks forward to holding more events in the Spring 2012 semester. Please contact us to learn more about how we can help you connect with students, host events, and participate in chapter activities.