More About Your 2009-2010 Officers

Chair: Abby Dansiger
Abby Dansiger had a wonderful experience serving as ALASC’s Newsletter Editor for 2008-2009, and is looking forward to continuing the good work of the chapter in her new role as Chair. She feels that ALASC provides a valuable network for everyone in the SLIS community to connect as peers and future colleagues, and hopes that ALASC’s activities in the coming year will foster participation and collaboration among all SLIS students.
Abby has been focusing her studies primarily on information organization and description, and plans to graduate in fall 2010. In addition to her coursework, she is a cataloger for an art and design school library. She has a BFA in Photography from the School of Visual Arts and is interested in working more with metadata and visual resources in the future. An East Coast transplant, she currently enjoys living in San Francisco with its lack of four distinct seasons and endless supply of hidden staircases.
Co-chair/Web Coordinator: Susie Quinn
Susie is in her last year of the MLIS program and is looking forward to graduating in Spring of 2010. She is thrilled to be a part of ALASC and believes that it is the perfect vehicle to bring SJSU SLIS students together, no matter where they are located. Her professional interests are distance education in LIS, digital / virtual libraries, reference and information services, to name a few.
Susie has been a Teaching Assistant to Dr. Linda Main since 2007 and has had the opportunity to work on several projects such as creating online tutorials and learning objects, as well as the developmemt of the SLIS SL campus. Her SL avatar is Susie Schridde. She is also the technical administrator for SLISLIfe. She earned her B.A. in Psychology from California State University of San Bernardino and has a background in web development in the Advertising industry. She currently resides in Diamond Bar, CA.
Program Coordinator: Gayle Pellizzer
Gayle is currently enjoying her fourth semester in the SLIS program and is looking forward to graduating in Spring of 2010. While working at the Dr. Martin Luther King Library, she has the opportunity to catalog all types of sound recordings, from Wagner LPs to George Gershwin CDs. She also works part-time as a cataloging assistant at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Gayle enjoys the challenges afforded by technical services and hopes to further develop her cataloging skills, although a personal interest in prison librarianship may cause her to take a path much less traveled. Aside from books, libraries, and music, Gayle enjoys running, watching ESPN, and just about anything sports related. She earned her B.S. degree in Business Administration and looks forward to expanding her knowledge of libraries and related technologies, as well as successfully promoting events for ALASC.
Editor: Sarah Dunne
Sarah Dunne is the incoming ALASC newsletter editor, and welcomes your contributions.
Sarah holds a BA in comparative literature from University of California at Santa Cruz, with a minor in Asian Studies. She is a little over halfway through her SLIS studies, focusing on archival work. Outside of school, she is a bicoastal book nerd, research geek, and language dilettante, with an inexplicable fondness for working with uncooperative databases. Her work background ranges from institutional investment to building maintenance.
After a quarter-century of enjoying the greater ease of contact lenses, she is considering switching back to glasses to stave off the inevitable question she gets every time someone finds out she’s in library school:
“Don’t you wear glasses?”
Treasurer: Rowena Weger
She is now halfway through the SLIS program and plans to graduate by Spring 2011. Rowena earned her BA in Media Studies (Visual Analysis) at Mills College.
Currently, Rowena is the library media assistant at the Willow Glen Middle School library. Don’t let the job title fool you– she is the sole library employee! She does a bit of everything, from teaching classes how to use the library to weeding/building the library collection to playing police officer during lunchtime.
Aside from the fabulous world of library science, Rowena is interested in movies (but refuses to call them films, especially those shot on video), vegan food and dolls (of the plastic variety).
Rowena is excited to be the new treasurer and looks forward to working with the ALASC!
Secretary/Archivist: Jamie Renton
I began the SLIS program in Spring 2008 and will graduate Spring 2011. I’m interested in either Children or YA librarianship but I also really like working on Elluminate. I have a B.S. in Business Management from Saint Mary’s College in Moraga, CA, and have completed half of an MBA (I got laid off so I didn’t complete it). I used to work as a Supply Chain Accountant for Quaker Oats. I was laid off eleven years ago and have been a stay-at-home Mom ever since for my three children. My interests are diverse-I love needle pointing, animals, watching my kids in their sports, volunteering, swimming, playing word games, and lots of other things! I’m really looking forward to giving back to SJSU SLIS by being on the ALASC board.