ALASC is named Student Chapter of the Year 2024

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ALASC Student Chapter of the year 2024

The American Library Association Student Chapter of San Jose State University, ALASC, is proud to have been recognized as Student Chapter of the Year! ALASC is recognized by the New Member Round Table, NMRT, a roundtable division of ALA that represents new and emerging library professionals.

ALASC was founded in 1994 and is the 42nd official student chapter of the ALA. The purpose of ALASC is to foster community and connection among all students and across all career pathways within the School of Information, and to support the ALA in its dedication to diversity, equity of access, education and continuous learning, intellectual freedom, and literacy. Look out for future recruitment posts and join our team!

Special thanks to the iSchool faculty and our fellow students for their support! Please be sure to follow us on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and Goodreads! Sign up for our newsletter here


Spring 2024 ALASC Executive Committee


Chair – Brianna Morales

Co-Chair – Jade Dean

Faculty Advisor – Alison Johnson

Web Coordinator – Shannon Broden

Treasurer – Missy McCollum

Secretary/Archivist – Kim McMilin

Events Coordinator – Cat Tang

Events Assistant – Connor Dandridge

Events Assistant – Irene Miller

Membership Coordinator – Eddie Lagos

Social Media Coordinator – Rebecca Natali

Social Media Assistant – Jacklyn Roussin

Blogging Team Lead – DiAndra Reyes

Blogging Assistant – Sabrina Bobadilla