2015-2016 SJSU ASIS&T Executive Committee Nominations

2015-2016 SJSU ASIS&T Executive Committee Nominations

The deadline has been extended, it’s not too late!

Looking to gain valuable leadership experience, practice your professional skills, and connect to more of your peers?  Join the SJSU ASIS&T Executive Committee for the 2015-2016 academic year!

Who is eligible?

All student chapter members who are clear of intent to enroll through June 2016 are eligible to run for a committee position. (If you’re interested and aren’t yet a member – there’s still time! See our website for information on how and why to join SJSU ASIS&T: https://ischoolgroups.sjsu.edu/asistsc/how-to-join/)

Why should you join the Executive Committee?

The SJSU ASIS&T Executive Committee develops, organizes, and moderates a variety of events and programs that include professional networking opportunities, career development seminars, social hours, and more. The Committee also oversees the day-to-day business of the chapter and maintains several active communications channels and social media accounts. Joining the Executive Committee of a professional organization’s student chapter shows commitment to your field, willingness to lead and ability work as part of a team. Leadership positions set you apart from fellow job seekers and can help connect you to a wider community of professionals.

**Update: What positions are up for election?

Vice Chair
Communications Director
Social Media Director
Membership Director

For descriptions of each position please see the blog post Navigating Through The Upcoming Nominations and Elections. If you have questions, email us at SJSUASIST [at] gmail.com.

How do I submit my nomination?

Candidates may nominate themselves by sending the following to mojostdennis [at] gmail.com:

  • A brief personal/professional bio
  • A statement of purpose regarding the role you’d like on the Executive Committee
  • A portrait photo or headshot

You will receive a confirmation email when your nomination is received.

If you don’t receive a confirmation or if you have any questions, please contact SJSUASIST [at] gmail.com

Posted in Archive, Past Announcements.