Student Chapter of the Year 2024-2025!
A new article written for the SJSU blog details the student chapters success in winning student chapter of the year 2024! Read more about it on the schools site at
To see more about our students experience at the 2024 ASIS&T Conference check out our write up in the November newsletter:
Or check out the live stream
Empowering Communities
The Vital Role of Information Professionals in Health Literacy

The Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) Student Chapter (SC) @ the iSchool cordially invite you to join us as we explore the realm of digital health literacy and how we can empower communities through it with our guest speaker Dr. Lubna Daraz.
Join us on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 @ 4 pm Pacific/7 pm Eastern.
Register at the following link:
SIG-III Mentorship
As a 2nd-year graduate student in the MS in Informatics program at SJSU’s iSchool, I believe making the most of one’s academic and professional development is crucial. Opportunities to develop as an aspiring professional in one’s field(s) of interest are abundant and come in various forms including participating in internships/externships; working in student assistantships, assisting with research, and being mentored.
Thus, I was enthused when I came across a mentorship opportunity provided by the Research Wing of the Special Interest Group for International Information Issues (SIG III), one of the 17 SIGs of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T). Though I thought it would be a long shot of me being chosen as a mentee, I enthusiastically applied because I was excited about learning from a field expert and participating in research activities. When it came to selecting a field of interest, I selected Health Informatics due to my background in nursing and my brimming interest in technology.
In April 2024, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I had been selected as a mentee and paired up with a field expert whose expertise aligned with my interest in health informatics. So far, being mentored by Dr. Lubna Daraz, Assistant Professor in the School of Library and Information Science at the University of Montreal, has been an engaging and intellectually stimulating experience that has provided me with research and writing opportunities.
See below for more details regarding my mentorship thus far:
ASIS&T SIG-III (International Information Issues) Mentorship 2024-2025
· Meeting Frequency & Format: Monthly hour-long virtual sessions
· Mentor’s Research Themes: information needs, mis/disinformation, conspiracy theories related to COVID
· Research/Writing Opportunities: Short article and short paper
If you have an interest in being mentored by a field expert related to any of the SIGs and/or are eager to undertake research and writing opportunities, I highly recommend applying for next year’s SIG III mentorship program.
Health Informatics Pathway at SJSU iSchool
Learn about the Health Informatics pathway, a part of SJSUs iSchool Masters of Science in Informatics.
e-Portfolio 101: MLIS Student Guide to Creating e-Portfolios
This event was hosted by our Vice Chair Cathi & special guest alumnus Chris Rini. When this event was recorded Cathi was taking INFO 289, the e-Portfolio class. Cathi & Chris talk about their experiences & share ideas about organizing evidence, making time to write, finding sources and more
Call for Nominations — Join the ASIS&T SC Executive Committee 2024-2025
SJSU’s Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) Student Chapter invites you to self-nominate for a leadership role with our Executive Committee. In addition to gaining leadership skills and networking with iSchool students and faculty, you’ll have the opportunity to further explore the technical aspects of diverse disciplines within the realm of Information Science. Such experiences will not only enhance your resume as an inspiring information professional but can also assist in fulfilling competencies for one’s e-Portfolio.
All roles may assist in acquiring evidence for the following competencies:
D – Planning & Management
H – Current & Emerging Technology
M – Leadership & Communication
Note: While EC Assistants do not need to be ASIS&T members, all other roles require active ASIS&T membership. If you’d like to self-nominate yourself for an ASIS&T EC role(s), please use the following self-nomination form:
Note: The application period will remain open until all positions are filled or until further notice. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions via our email or on any of our social media channels (i.e. FB, IG, LI, i.e.).
Happy self-nominating, and we look forward to connecting and collaborating with you!
Greetings from ASIS&T Student Chapter – Fall 2023
Welcome students, faculty, and friends to Fall Semester! We’re very excited for the start of this new year. The ASIS&T student chapter is hoping to build up our school and chapter community this year. There are a few notable tasks we are undertaking.
- Exploring the iSchool Pathways
- A once-a-month webinar series through zoom, put together by the executive committee to help students understand what the pathways are, what kinds of work they correlate to, and how to get the most from them.
- Weekly drop in writers’ meet up
- Starting Thursday August 31st from 5-7pm, this weekly meet up will be a 1-2hr drop-in session in the SJSU ASIS&T Discord. 1st hour will be dedicated to writing time, while the 2nd hour will be open for discussion, questions, advice, and if there is interest supportive critique. All iSchool students are welcome. Feel free to drop by when you can and stay as long as you’d like. Join our discord server here:
- More consistent blog & social media updates
- Blog post will be a mix of LIS technology-based news, topic summaries related to information science or technology in libraries and highlighting upcoming events. While our social media accounts will promote these events and celebrate our communities’ achievements.
The executive committee currently consists of our Chair – Kay Lee, Vice Chair – Cathi Okamura, and Webmaster – Chris Reynolds. There are more openings on the committee for students who are interested in gaining experience with leadership. We encourage any student interested in joining us to contact us directly with any questions or come by the iSchool student group fall Meet & Greet Thursday September 14 from 6-7 pm (Pacific Time).
Good luck this semester and we hope to see you at some of our events!
ASIS&T Special Interest Groups (SIG) – Social Media
Before we get started, the SJSU ASIS&T student chapter is having their 2nd Fall quarter meeting on October 28th with Professor Jumba, who will talk about social media as information for good.
Sign up for the event here!
In our 1st meeting, we talked about some of the SIGs in ASIS&T and thought it would be a great idea to share the Social Media SIG’s interesting and upcoming events.
On Friday October 29th, the Social Media SIG will be hosting a workshop from 6:00 am to 2:00pm PST. The title of the workshop is “Social Media Research, Challenges, and Opportunities.” This is a great opportunity for members, who are interested in research in social media, to network with others in the field. We may oftentimes hear the negative side of social media, but this workshop can provide great insight and opportunities for researching the positive effects of social media. Many of the guest speakers come from different universities like: University of South Carolina, University of South Florida, Simmons University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Washington, etc.
The Social Media SIG will also have a panel on Tuesday November 2nd from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm PST. It will be a discussion titled “Social Media, Vaccines, and Partisan Division of Health Information.” It’s truly an awesome event for those interested in research surrounding the spread of mis and disinformation, especially in today’s political climate. The panel will include guest speakers Loni Hagen, Devon Greyson, Ashley Fox, Kolina Koltai, Catherine Dumas.
If you would like to learn more about this SIG, please visit their page here!
Speaking of social media, make sure to check out both the national organizations and student chapter’s social media accounts for the latest news and events.
National Organization Media Accounts:
SJSU Chapter Social Media:
5 Career Development Tools Every iSchool Student Needs to Know About
If this is your first semester at San Jose State, then you may feel overwhelmed to find out about all the resources this university has to offer. Time is of the essence and digging through hundreds of web pages is not on the priority list of any student. We decided to break down some awesome resources that can help you gain a competitive edge in the workforce. Whether you are part of the iSchool to become a librarian, archivist, or web programmer, here are some helpful resources that you can start using today!
The resources discussed are specifically available to SJSU students. Most can be found on the oneSJSU website.
1. LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning offers over 1000s of online courses ranging from learning programming languages to how to grow your personal brand. There is a wealth of knowledge available and the best part is that it’s free! There are 3 easy steps to access this resource:
- Go to and search for “LinkedIn Learning.” Click the tile to log in.
- Enter your SJSU ID and password
- If you have a LinkedIn profile → Choose to connect your existing LinkedIn profile
- If you do not have a LinkedIn profile → Continue without linking your account.
2. Handshake
Handshake is a job posting site where you can filter your job search based on your degree. There are numerous internships and job postings located on the site. It’s like a mini LinkedIn, meaning, you can connect with other students from your school. Again, you want to go on and search for “Handshake.” Get started on your new account today!
3. VMock
Vmock is an online resume feedback tool where you can upload your resume or download a free template. Other resources include their blog that is all things professional development. This is a good tool to see if you are on track to a fully comprehensive resume in the case that you have to put off a visit to the career center.
4. Adobe Creative Cloud.
For those who always wanted to get their hands on photoshop or illustrator but didn’t have the means to, well now is the time. This may come in handy for those librarians who want to work on their graphic design skills and publish those infographics. It comes with apps like: After Effects, Photoshop, Animate, Illustrator, and so much more. Just picking up a new skill is a great addition to your resume and portfolio. You can find access here.
5. Canvas Eportfolio
Last on our list is the Canvas portfolio. You may be thinking, “we already have to make a portfolio at the end of the year!” While this is true, It’s still a great idea to start building your professional portfolio to show off to your employers. Throughout your time in the program, you will engage in a number of projects that could and should be mentioned in your resume. To find your eportfolio, just access your canvas account and click on “Account” at the top of the left most side bar. Then click on “ePortfolios.” After that, you are free to make your own, free portfolio.
If you made it this far, thank you for stopping by our blog. We hope these resources can help you achieve your goals whether you are seeking that new promotion or looking for a career change. Until next time Spartans!
Meet Your 2021-2022 Executive Board
Chair – Julia Roegiers
My name is Julia Roegiers, and I am thrilled to be the chair of the SJSU ASIS&T student chapter this semester. I was drawn to receiving my masters in Library and Information Sciences because of the positive impact I could make on my community as a future librarian. I am passionate about ASIS&T because of their goal to collaborate with other fields to advance information science research. When I am not studying for school I enjoy cooking new recipes, hiking and volunteering at The Refettorio in San Francisco. I hope to meet you soon at one of our zoom events!
Vice Chair/ Membership Coordinator – Tobi Goode
My name is Tobi, and I am thrilled to be serving as Membership Coordinator and Vice Chair for the ASIS&T Executive Committee this academic year. I currently work at a public library, and my prior background is in adult education. My passion lies in closing equity gaps and serving marginalized populations, and I am extremely interested in the ways in which technology and information can be harnessed to accomplish these goals on a more macro scale. I look forward to connecting with ASIS&T members this academic year!
Secretary/Treasurer/ Social Media Coordinator – Quinn Christie
I’m pleased to be serving as Secretary/Treasurer and Social Media Coordinator for the ASIS&T Executive Committee this year. My background is in art history and textile design, specifically within the apparel industry, and I am in the process of transitioning to a career in LIS. I am interested in the intersection between technology, design, and the library’s role in furthering social change.
Programming Director – Lauren Davidson
My name is Lauren and this is my second year on the ASIS&T Executive Committee and my third year at San Jose State University. I have a B.A in Political Science because I thought I could change the world through Politics. I later learned I could change the world so much more through information. I currently work at an elementary school and I hope to one day become an Outreach Librarian focusing on bringing resources to those who need them most.
Programming Director – Robyn DeRocchis
I currently work as the Library Technician in a Health Sciences Library at a medical college. My greatest satisfaction on the job is helping student doctors find and learn how to find information they need. I enjoy making technology work to help people find the information they seek. If I’m not at work or working on homework, you might find me playing with my dog, trying not to trip over either of the cats, reading (mostly fantasy or science fiction novels), taking random pictures of nature with my phone, or playing games – either board, tabletop role-playing, or video games. I plan to finish the MLIS at San Jose State University in May 2022. My focus in the program has been mostly on web programming, with forays into data science and digital services.
Webmaster – Ariana Barcenas Kanemoto
I graduated with my B.A. in Psychology from UC Irvine and worked at a mental health clinic after I graduated. I knew that it wasn’t my passion and was fortunate enough to go back to school for my MLIS. During my first 2 semesters at SJSU, I did my research on “women in online gaming” and became passionate about research and creating a diverse space within the gaming industry. I was able to land an assistant user researcher job with Blizzard Entertainment in July 2021. Now I am focused on finishing my degree, promoting at work, and doing great things as the webmaster for ASIS&T. If you ever want to connect, I would be more than happy to chat.