A Drawing and a Limerick
A Drawing and a Limerick by Madeleine Pressley Madeleine is from the Magnolia State, Virtual events she'll coordinate. She loves to read books, and to knit and to cook, And she enjoys a hot café au lait! …
A Drawing and a Limerick by Madeleine Pressley Madeleine is from the Magnolia State, Virtual events she'll coordinate. She loves to read books, and to knit and to cook, And she enjoys a hot café au lait! …
biblioteca sin nombre by Ricardo RamÃrez-Madera they entered the camp with books about the first days of school, and illustrated works of unpronounceable poets later as we traveled in cold school buses towards town, pastoral landscapes and wordless…
The Twitter Tango by Silvia Spiva An image, a link, and a mention. If you have space a hashtag, too. Don't strive for readers' attention. Just be yourself, and they'll like you. A multilingual marketer, Silvia Spiva has built global collaboration teams at Sybase, Apple and Cisco. She is a Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math (STEAM) mentor.…
Communication 2.0 by Devon Grissim Can you hear that? The sound of keys tapping as they pat across my keyboard in search of The Charm. Words of the mystical variety that lead their reader over towering fences and down into basements of bone melting insight. Well, you won’t find any of that here. My work is bright because I only…
by R. Schuyler SeldenSJSU Special Collections MantraPreservation ConservationDigitizationOrganizationAPA consternationXML frustrationValidationElationEditorial recriminationEditor placationCulmination;OAC publicationFileMaker ProFileMaker Pro!Why do you not show,New people, even thoughI typed the names twice, with agility?!Your auto redactsOf our new contactsOnly detracts From your usability. Reading RoomQ-Can you make me copies?A-Ten percent, just ten percent.Q-Can I look at old floppies?A-No, no precedent.Q-Can I munch upon my snacks?A-No, no…