Meet ALASC Chair: Elizabeth Borghi

Here are some books I’ve enjoyed this summer:

The Art of Non-Conformity by Chris Guillebeau

Chris Guillebeau’s Art of Non-Conformity email newsletter began several years ago, but his book by the same name was published in 2010. His intention is to teach readers how to “set your own rules, live the life you want, and change the world.” Guillebeau walks readers through clear exercises and the nuts and bolts of developing goals, dealing with fear, building relationships, managing finances and more – meanwhile citing clear examples from his own life and others. This is a good read for anyone desiring a life overhaul, and is especially relevant to students and new professionals. A brief chapter on grad school advises, “relate your education to what you actually want to do when you finish” and “consider some form of alternative learning to increase your knowledge.” AONC’s concepts and success stories provide an inspirational guide to navigating uncharted territory, thus making it a great guide for those invested in the success of libraries in a time of unprecedented change.

Rickshaw Girl by Mitali Perkins

Winner of over a dozen awards, including ALA’s Amelia Bloomer Project Award, Mitali Perkins’ Rickshaw Girl is an educational story of hope for children 8 years old and up. Naima is a young Bangladeshi girl who has a great talent for painting alpanas, a traditional art form. Village life is busy and fun but Naima is growing up and wants to help her father in his rickshaw business. How can she do this when girls are not allowed to work? Readers will be eager to learn if Naima can help her father after his rickshaw is damaged and the family livelihood is threatened. Perkins has a special talent for connecting her fiction to greater societal challenges without being preachy or cheesy. A Bangla glossary and beautiful artwork make this a powerful multicultural read for both children and adults.

More About Elizabeth

I used to spend summer vacations reading everything I could get my hands on, from Archie comics to my Dad’s old college literature textbooks. I still think reading is one of the best ways to spend a holiday. I am excited to be Chair of ALASC this year and look forward to feedback from student members (you!) on how ALASC can enhance your SLIS experience.

Q: If you could be any character in a book who would you be?
A: Anne of Green Gables. I definitely spent a lot of time pretending to be her as a kid.

Q: What’s next on your reading list?
A: Somewhat in keeping with the above, I’m excited to read Wendy McClure’s The Wilder Life, a memoir about the author’s obsession with the Little House book and television series.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Peace Sweet Peas

    I started reading Little House on the Prairie and Anne of Green Gables to my girls; but the girls didn't find it interesting. They might be too young still but I also think it is because both stories are slow-moving. I find my own attention span has shortened since my youth when I loved both series of books.

  2. Jen

    I loved the Anne of Green Gables books when I was a kid! I used to reread them every year when I was kid and actually just reread them a couple of years ago to revisit my younger self. They were still great!!

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