News from the ALASC student newsletter, The Descriptor. The Descriptor was discontinued in 2017 but we thank all contributing students for their efforts.

Getting the Most Out of Your Virtual Internship

by Theresa Putkey Starting an internship can be intimidating. Starting a virtual internship may make you feel even more like a fish-out-of-water. Not only are you in a new situation, but you’re removed by geography. Doing a remote or virtual internship can expand your internship possibilities, but can also lead to other difficulties in communication, work assignments, and follow-up. After…

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Communication 2.0

Communication 2.0 by Devon Grissim Can you hear that? The sound of keys tapping as they pat across my keyboard in search of The Charm. Words of the mystical variety that lead their reader over towering fences and down into basements of bone melting insight. Well, you won’t find any of that here. My work is bright because I only…

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Library 2.011 Conference: A Peek Into the Future of Libraries in the Digital Age

by Cassy Lee The Library 2.011 worldwide virtual conference was an exciting event! As both a presenter and an attendee of several sessions, I found it an incredible opportunity to learn, share ideas, and meet new people from all over the world. Dr. Sandra Hirsh, Director of SJSU SLIS, kicked it off with a keynote address about the rapidly changing…

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My Experience as a Mentee in the SANDALL Buddies Mentor Program

by Amanda Heath Last October when the call for participation in the San Diego Area Law Libraries (SANDALL) Buddies mentoring program hit the SLIS listservs, law librarianship hadn’t even crossed my mind. As a fairly new library student I was still struggling with making the decision as to what type of library I wanted to work in. Seeing the call…

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