World Usability Day Talk with Dr. Jeremy Kemp


World Usability Day Talk with Dr. Jeremy Kemp

November 10, 2011 6:00-7:30pm (PST)

Topic:  “How Will We Define Web 3.0?”  Speaker:  Dr. Jeremy Kemp

Description: Library and information science professionals around the world are deep in the midst of implementing user-generated content and social Web applications. But what comes next? Predicting trends, advocating for needed information resources and smoothing their adoption may be the greatest challenge for library and information professionals moving forward. This talk will explore a variety of perspectives from those who say they can define Web 3.0. It touches on futurism, forecasting emerging technology trends, and how to promote their appropriate adoption.

Keywords: semantic web, mashup, multi-touch, speech recognition, location-based

Further information about the SJSU ASIS&T Student Chapter World Usability Day Talk may be found on the World Usability Day website:

Elluminate Session:

Session Name:  SJSU-ASIST World Usability Day Talk

When:  November 10, 2011 6:00pm – 7:30pm  (scavenger hunt team will stay afterwards from 7:30-8:00pm) (The session will be recorded.)

Join Session:

Password:  asist

You may join the session 30 minutes prior to the start time.

Questions: Please contact Frank Florian, Program Director, at

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