Navigating Through The Upcoming Nominations and Elections

By Monica St. Dennis
Vice Chair, SJSU ASIS&T 2014-15

Have you been wishing you could get more involved with the iSchool community? Are you interested in the way the advance of technology has changed the information professions? Do you want something to put on your resume that could potentially set you apart from other MLIS grads? The ASIS&T Executive Committee may be just what you’re looking for.

Most of our current executive committee is graduating this year, which means we have a lot of room for new voices moving into the future. If you think that we might be a good fit for you, we would love for you to come check us out at our Membership Open House (where you might win a free membership!) on April 8 at 6PM Pacific, our Monthly Business Meeting on April 12 at 2PM Pacific, or our Pre-Registration Social Hour on April 15 at 6PM Pacific.

If you’re interested in running, nominations are due by Friday, April 17, so you have plenty of time to figure out which position is the best fit for you and to formally join the Student Chapter if you haven’t already (more on that at After that, all you have to do is send us a brief biography, a statement of purpose, and a photo of yourself and you’re in the running.

If you have any questions or want to know more about how to get involved, please feel free to email us at  Here are some short summaries of the positions up for election:


The Chair serves as the Moderator and records Executive Committee business meetings; coordinates and responds to official Student Chapter business; coordinates semi-annual updates to Student Chapter bylaws; develops and publishes the Student Chapter Annual Reports.


The Vice Chair presides and records Executive Committee business meetings in the absence of Chair, administers the secure password application; creates, updates and records all login credentials; with the Chair, performs annual review of existing security credentials; serves as Gmail Administrator in the absence of the Secretary.


The Secretary records and disseminates Executive Committee business meeting minutes for review and approval by the Executive Committee members; manages Google Student Chapter domain, including the Student Chapter Google Drive and Gmail account; responds to email and re-routes to appropriate parties; grants and sends email notification for file access.


The Treasurer maintains all documents pertaining to the Student Chapter financial account; updates account record monthly or whenever there is a transaction; keeps written and oral communication of the Student Chapter account with the Executive Committee and with ASIS&T Headquarters finance director; reports on the balance of Student Chapter account at each Executive Committee business meeting.


The Programming Director plans Student Chapter events and news; confirms participation of Presenters for events; ensures all Moderators records events; responds to programming inquiries.


The Communications Director publicizes Student Chapter business, news and events; disseminates MP4 recording links and transforms recordings of events in to MP4 files and uploads to SJSU ScholarWorks and YouTube Channel in the absence of Social Media Coordinator; responds to communications inquiries.


The Social Media Coordinator publicizes Student Chapter business, news, and events on various social platforms; transforms recordings into MP4 files and uploads to SJSU ScholarWorks and the Student Chapter YouTube Channel; disseminates MP4 recording links as they become available.


The Membership Director plans membership recruitment events such as Student Chapter Open House and Social Hours; requests the iSchool to add and drop student members from the Canvas LMS Group; manages the member roster email list; manages membership information such benefits, renewal, engagement and responds to membership inquiries and opt-out requests.


The Webmaster is the administrator of the Student Chapter website and its associated pages; posts business documents and recording links; works closely with the Communications and Programming Directors in posting content including but not limited to meetings, programs, activities, news, publications, blogs and resources; manages requests for updates to the Student Chapter website; backs up the website to a designated location as scheduled.


The Student Assembly Representative is the manager of the Student Chapter Canvas LMS Group; posts and curates content, manages group settings and guidelines for community interaction; plans and documents community engagement strategy to be approved by the Executive Committee; responds to Canvas LMS Group inquiries.

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