**Membership Open House**
Open up to new ideas, new people, and new career opportunities! We are hosting an informal gathering where you can finally satisfy your curiosity about the ASIS&T Student Chapter. Find out about the benefits of membership, what it is like to serve on the board, and offer suggestions for future programming. We’ll also hold a raffle for attendees only to win one of two free student memberships (a $35 value each).
If you are focused on emerging technologies, usability, information architecture, metadata, digital libraries, bioinformatics, virtual spaces, knowledge management, bibliometrics, social informatics, and other non-traditional library careers, then ASIS&T membership is a great fit for you.
Since 1937, the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) has been the association for information professionals leading the search for new and better theories, techniques, and technologies to improve access to information. Our Student Chapter brings together students to assist them in their personal growth and career development, as well as provide enrichment programs for themselves and other members of the community with an interest in information science.
WHEN: Wednesday March 19, 2014, 6:00 PM PT
WHERE: Online via Blackboard Collaborate
Join live session: https://sas.elluminate.com/d.jnlp?sid=2011274&password=D.AF01054E28F36DE67DFF4DF7C8B182