Reflections from Graduating Members DiAndra and Brianna

  • Post category:ALASC News

As we bid farewell to another academic year, graduating ALASC members Brianna and DiAndra take a moment to reflect on their journeys serving on the ALASC Executive Committee. 

Brianna Morales

As my time as the Chair of the ALASC comes to an end, I want to express my deep appreciation for the opportunity to lead such a remarkable team. Serving in this role has been an absolute pleasure, allowing me to collaborate with an incredibly talented team whose dedication and passion have inspired me. As I reflect on the past year, I am proud of what we achieved with our Alt-Text subcommittee, changes to documentation, being awarded Student Chapter of the Year, and being selected to present at the ALA Conference this year. These experiences have been invaluable, shaping my time with the ALASC and my future career aspirations. As I transition into post-grad life, I will continue in my current role as an associate at a university library while I continue to look for librarian positions.

DiAndra Reyes

Starting as a Blogging Assistant and later becoming the Blog Coordinator, I am grateful for the connections I’ve made and the fun I’ve had during my time on the ALASC Executive Committee. This role helped me overcome my insecurity about sharing my writing, and with encouragement from my colleagues, I was motivated to write about topics I am passionate about. I also gained valuable experience in leadership, workflow documentation, and teamwork that I will carry into my post-grad career in libraries and archives. Additionally, thank you to ALASC for allowing me to feel a sense of community fostered through events and meetings. My journey through the online MLIS program felt isolating at times, but ALASC provided a supportive network that made me feel connected to my classmates. I hope in the future, I will be able to connect back with ALASC and share my experiences and knowledge with future SJSU grad students.