News from SJSU School of Library and Information Science
May 2012 marks the end of my career here at SJSU SLIS. I want to thank my professors and advisors and most importantly all the classmates, team members and friends I have made along the way, for continual motivation and invaluable insight. Specifically I would like to thank the 2011-2012 ALASC Officers for the commitment and all the hard work…
SJSU SLIS Graduation Saturday May 19th, 2012 Fairmont Hotel, Imperial Ballroom at 1pm If you can't make it to San Jose or want to see some of your friends receive their diplomas watch the graduation via the webcast here: 2011 SLIS Spring convocation webcast All the information for SJSU SLIS Graduation can be found here:…
A Special Invitation for all SLIS Students! Please mark your calendars for May 18th and join us at the Fairmont Hotel for the 2012 ALASC Reception! This reception, hosted by SJSU’s School of Library & Information Science, is for graduating and current students. This is a fun, FREE, and fabulous opportunity to connect with current students, graduating students, faculty,…
ALASC 2012-2013 Officer Elections are now being held on D2L! Please go to the ALASC Page and cast your vote for the nominees from Monday April 30th through Sunday May 6th. Here's How: Login into your D2L Account. Login click onto your ALASC D2L page: it should look something like this: American…
A Special Invitation for all SLIS Students! Please mark your calendars for May 18th and join us at the Fairmont Hotel for the 2012 ALASC Reception! This reception, hosted by SJSU’s School of Library & Information Science, is for graduating and current students. This is a fun, FREE, and fabulous opportunity to connect with current students, graduating students, faculty,…