Opportunities to Volunteer and Intern
Wanna learn about the FUTURE?! ALA is hosting an invitational Summit, Libraries From Now On: Imagining the Future, May 2 and 3 at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. You can read more about the Summit here: http://www.ala.org/news/press-releases/2014/04/american-library-association-host-invitational-summit If you’d like to follow the discussions, you may do so via Twitter at #libfuturesummit.
Great reading for those of you done with classes, and something to look forward to for those of you still struggling along (I know I am!). Features include: Profiling a Book Collection Julia B. Chambers Leadership in the Online Environment Elaine Hall I Know Nothing about Robotics: How to Run a Robotics Program on a Small Budget with Zero Experience…
We are looking for a current SLIS student with excellent writing skills to serve in a paid student assistant position. The student will be responsible for writing weekly posts for the school’s New Student Blog, providing information and advice for newly admitted students. Tasks will include researching and writing blog posts, interviewing individuals to develop content for blog posts,…
Mark your calendars and plan to join me, Jill Klees, SLIS Career Center Liaison, for the last career development workshop of the semester. Â Job Search Q&A Â Wed. May 7, 2014 5:30 pm PT to 6:30 pm PT Â This is an open forum job search discussion. This is your opportunity to ask questions and get answers related to…
Attention All SLIS Students and ALASC Members! The ballot for the SJSU American Library Association Student Chapter (ALASC) is now open to elect fellow students for leadership roles of our student-based association for the 2014-2015 school year. We have a full ballot with nominations for the following positions: Chair (1 nomination) Co-Chair/Webmaster: (1 nomination) Social Media Manager: (3 nominations) Secretary (1 nomination) Descriptor Editor (Newsletter): (2…