Now that the semester is done and finals are turned in, I want to remind you about openings on our EC.
Would you like to be more involved in your student chapter? Build experience to boost your resume? Feel less isolated among a geographically separate student body? Consider running for a spot on the ASIS&T Executive Committee, and get more involved in the current ASIS&T Student Chapter of the Year!
Almost the entire executive committee last year graduated, which means that we had lots of openings to fill — and we still have a two spots left! If you’re interested (and aren’t graduating before May 2016), we would love for you to join us! We are currently recruiting for the following positions:
Membership Director: The Membership Director plans membership recruitment events such as Student Chapter Open House and Social Hours; requests the iSchool add and drop student members from Canvas and manages it as a membership portal; manages member roster, including member email list and delivery of renewal reminders; responds to membership inquiries and opt-out requests. Serves as Student Chapter representative for iSchool interviews.
Programming Director: The Programming Director plans Student Chapter events; confirms participation of Presenters for events; coordinates with Communications concern the scheduling and promotion of events; ensures all events are properly managed, moderated, and recorded; responds to programming inquiries. In addition, post-events, the Programming Director keeps track of event attendance and records survey responses from event attendees in their appropriate spreadsheets.
If you are interested in throwing your hat into the ring, please email with the subject line “EC Nomination for Position Title, Your Last name, Your First Name” with your name, a paragraph about why you’re interested, a brief biography, and a photo of yourself by no later than December 21st. Elections will be held in January.
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to us! We’re happy to answer them.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Lisa Cheby
SJSU ASIS&T Vice Chair