Upcoming SJSU ALASC Event: Librarians Leading Change: Insights and Inspiration on 10/27/20 at 6:30pm

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Librarians Leading Change: Insights and Inspiration
Hosted by ALASC
Guest speaker: Ruth Barefoot
Tuesday, October 27, 6:30pm PT
Register via Zoom

The ALA Student Chapter invites you to attend a special event with guest speaker Ruth Barefoot. She will talk about leading in times of change and share tools and resources. Her lessons on change management and leadership could not be more relevant in today’s world. Learn how librarians can foster a change-ready culture and turn obstacles into opportunities!

Register in advance on Zoom using your SJSU email:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Ruth will be teaching a one-credit, five-week Change Management course at the iSchool in Spring semester. She has been an instructor at the SJSU iSchool since 2014, and received her MLIS degree at SJSU in 1987. She worked for the San Jose Public Library System for more than 23 years managing major initiatives, innovative services, library branches and units. She recently retired from her position as Library Director for the Anacortes Public Library.

For additional exploration of this topic, join Ruth in the American Library Association course that starts in November. https://www.alastore.ala.org/content/advanced-ecourse%E2%80%94change-management-new-reality-adapting-new-normal