NEWS FROM ALA: Patricia ‘Patty’ Wong wins 2021-2022 ALA Presidency

It was announced today by ALA that Patricia "Patty" M. Wong, city librarian at Santa Monica (Calif.) Public Library and current SJSU professor, has been elected 2021-22 president-elect of the American Library Association (ALA). She received 6,718 votes, while her opponent, Steven Yates, who is the assistant director of the University of Alabama's School of Library and Information Studies, received 2,448…

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ALASC – Now Accepting Nominations for 2020-2021 Executive Board!

The American Library Association Student Chapter (ALASC) at SJSU’s School of Information is now accepting nominations for the 2020-2021 executive board. This is a great opportunity to gain leadership experience, work on your communication skills, and make a real difference at the iSchool and in the field of information science. You will join a passionate group of fellow students who…

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UPCOMING EVENT: Connect over Coffee Spring 2020

Join the ALASC for a virtual networking event to meet information professionals from around the country. You’ll get job search tips and have the chance to share your interests and ask questions. Video participation is highly encouraged. Don’t forget your favorite hot beverage! 5:30-6:30 PM (PT) on April 23, 2019 RSVP Register in advance for this meeting:   After…

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REMINDER: Upcoming Virtual iSchool Hangout This Sunday!

Join the ALASC for a virtual hangout this Sunday! This is a purely social event--come ready to chat, show off the puzzles you've done while sheltering in place, and spend some quality time with folks outside your immediate family. Dress code: Work from home SUPER casual (think pajamas, no makeup and facial scruff). Hope you can join us! Stay safe…

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ALASC’s iSchool In-Person Hangouts Cancelled, Join Us for a Virtual Hangout!

ALASC's iSchool In-Person Hangouts Cancelled, Join Us for a Virtual Hangout! Due to further restrictions on group gatherings and temporary business closures throughout the country, the Amercian Library Assocaition Student Chapter has decided that it is best to cancel the planned in-person iSchool hangouts for now. We hope to be able to reschedule them when things are safer and calmer. In…

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