New to the American Library Association (ALA)? Explore the possibilities!

Hi, My name is Carlos Bugarin, Chair of the American Library Association Student Chapter (ALASC) here at the SJSU School. I want to welcome you to the ALA! In order to make the most of your ALA experience, we wanted to share with you the following ALA resources.    ALA website: As new ALA members, we invite you to take…

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Get to Know ALASC Executive Committee Social Media Manager, Amelia Smith! What inspired you to get into the library field? Several reasons: my lifelong love of books and libraries, having a job that enables me to connect with people of all walks of life, and fulfilling my goal of becoming a public servant are the biggest reasons. Who are your…

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Missed the Banned Books Trivia Night? Catch the Recording Here!

Missed our Banned Books Trivia event? Watch the recording to try your own luck with our banned books trivia questions. Be sure to share the link with anyone who may be interested. And congratulations to our Fall 2021 winners: Sarah Wilson, Jessica Kruse, Alice He, Michelle Jordan, and Halle Cairns! Recording link: Keep an eye out for our next…

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Dewey Belong Together? New Opportunity to Join the ALASC Executive Committee!

New opportunity to actively participate in iSchool student chapter! Now recruiting for two Social Media Assistants and one Events Assistant with the American Library Association Student Chapter (ALASC) at SJSU’s School of Information. This is a great opportunity to gain leadership experience, work on your communication skills, and make a real difference at the iSchool and in the field of information science. You will join a passionate group…

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Get to Know Your ALASC Executive Committee

Meet ALASC's Co-Chair/Webmaster, Sadie Davenport! What inspired you to get into the library field? My mom! She heard about the MLIS degree and told me about it at least four times before I really thought about it. I'm really glad I listened to her! After I applied to the program, I read about what SJSU MLIS alumni have done with their degrees…

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