Meet ALASC Newsletter Editor: Stacey Nordlund

Summertime is a time to relax, enjoy the outdoors, bask in the sunshine, take a vacation, and all that fun stuff, right? Well, for me, summer is a time of learning to catalog, starting my peer mentor experience (welcome, new LIBR 203 students!), working at my public library, and parenting. Not much time for leisure reading, so my books are on the shorter side this summer. Here are some titles from my bedside table:

Just finished: The Walking Dead Volume 14: No Way Out by Robert Kirkman

Every time a new volume of this graphic novel series is published, I read it in a single sitting. The epic story moves relentlessly through the days and nights of a group of survivors battling an increasingly bleak war against zombies. Every volume in the series has managed to both shock and surprise me, and No Way Out is no exception.
For fans of: World War Z by Max Brooks, George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (movie)

Currently reading: In the Town, All Year ‘Round by Rotraut Susanne Berner

My two-year-old daughter, Hana, and I can spend probably half an hour every single day poring over the illustrations in this book (that’s practically HOURS in toddler-time, for those of you who aren’t parents!). Originally published in German, the book is divided into four sections, each one representing a season. The book is practically wordless, yet countless stories are told through Berner’s keen attention to detail and colorful illustrations of people, places, and community events that take place over the span of a year. I can’t say enough about this book!
For fans of: Where’s Waldo? by Martin Handford, Richard Scarry’s Busytown

Next up: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games trilogy has been on my to-read list for a very long time, and now with the first book scheduled to be released as a big-budget blockbuster next year, I figure it’s time to catch up and see what all the fuss is about.
For fans of: I won’t know until I read it – please make your suggestions in the comments!


More About Stacey

As the ALASC Newsletter Editor, I edit and publish the SLIS Descriptor. I am very excited to be in this role for the 2011-12 academic year, and am looking forward to reading your submissions and getting to know other SLIS students through this medium.

I represent the Canadian face of ALASC – I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada – and joined the SLIS program in Fall 2009. I have been reading non-stop since I learned how at the age of two (at least, that’s how my mother remembers it), and the library has always been a second home to me.

Q: What was your favorite childhood book?
A: Eloise in Moscow by Kay Thompson. Young Eloise (“I am six.”), her nanny, and her faithful dog Weenie embark on a travel adventure in 1950s-era Moscow. This was the only Eloise book I read as a child, and I am not a fan of the newer material. (I don’t think Kay Thompson would be, either). My copy is tattered and torn and missing the dust jacket, but it still occupies a prized spot on my bookshelf. I hope one day my daughter will cherish it as much as I still do.