Graduation Fall 2024: Reflections of ALASC Graduating Members

  • Post category:ALASC News


With the end of a semester comes graduation, and we’d like to take a moment to celebrate all of the iSchool 2024 fall graduates! Here are some parting words from our graduating Executive committee members about their experiences during the program. 

“I started the program in Fall of 2022, while at a full time job not in the library and information science sector. To better learn about the possibilities out there, I began attending virtual presentations by several of the student groups. I found I regularly was interested in and attended the ALASC presentations. In April of 2023, I was laid off as part of a large-scale company reorganization. With suddenly more time on my hands and wanting to find a way to give back to the students I was meeting with my existing skill set, I ran for and became Web Coordinator for ALASC for the 2023-2024 school year. I also barely made the deadline for a travel grant to CLA that year, as well as creating my first poster presentation based on student work I had been doing in Second Life. I would continue through my program learning about different facets of the library and information profession, while continuing to be exposed to how librarians and educators utilized various virtual worlds and taking on new challenges with poster and panel presentations, which culminated in getting the Technology New Leader award this year at CLA. While bringing together what I learned with my existing skill set has been rewarding, the support of being part of ALASC to learn so much more from others while working toward a common goal means a lot to me. Though my next step options are wide open, I feel so fortunate for taking the risk and getting involved while getting to know so many great individuals in the process.” – Shannon Broden, MLIS, ‘24

Shannon Broden


“I started the MLIS program in Fall 2020 and planned to take 4 years to complete it. During the last 4 years, I joined several student groups, retired from a career, participated in the APALA mentorship program, and started volunteering at local public libraries. I joined ALASC for my last year of the program and I am so glad I did. Everyone on the Executive Committee is so smart, knowledgeable, and passionate about representing SJSU and fostering connection within the iSchool. One of my favorite moments from the past year was working on a team with Brianna Morales (former Chair) and Jacklyn Roussin (Social Media Assistant) to apply for and win the ALA Student Chapter of the Year Award. I hope more students are interested in participating as leaders within student groups; I was able to make friends and develop as a leader. My advice for new/current students is to take classes that you don’t have experience with and to apply for the iSchool scholarships. Some of my favorite classes were ones that I knew little about. For example, taking Music Librarianship introduced me to a fascinating discipline within the LIS field and allowed me to learn and appreciate the specialty. As for the scholarships, I was very fortunate to receive 3 Special Session Scholarships. The scholarship applications are straightforward and I recommend reviewing the winning applications for inspiration.” – Jade Dean 



Jade Dean


“As an Events Assistant for the ALASC, helping to develop the community of the iSchool has been my number one priority. On my journey, I always sought people in the same boat as me who wanted to help others. I was lucky enough to find the ALASC and the people in it who wanted to do everything they could to reach out to every student in small and large ways. I have had the opportunity to meet many students and peers through the Events we ran, and it put faces to the names I saw every day on Canvas. My advice to iSchool students is simple: make friends! Talk to people, your professors, your peers, your mentors. These people will make the experience much easier for you, and make you feel less alone.” – Connor Dandridge 

Connor Dandridge

Connor Dandridge


Thanks to our graduating members for their service to the iSchool and we wish you the best in your future careers!