Mark your calendars if you’re curious about copyright issues and libraries. Next Monday, December 7th at 7pm PST, Professor Margaret Driscoll will graciously share her insight and answer our questions. Professor Driscoll graduated from SLIS in May 2012 with a focus on academic libraries, institutions, reference, and copyright/fair use.
SAASC & ALASC jointly invite you to participate in a presentation on: Copyright Laws & How They Apply to Information Professions!
Link to session:Â
Individuals requiring real-time captioning or other accommodations should contact Sue Alman at ASAP.
This event will be recorded and may be found here.
Full event Poster
Additional resources
7 Things You Should Read About Copyright in Online Education: Perspectives and Models
Educause Learning Initiative
There is a wonderful MOOC (which means free!) called Copyright for Educators and Librarians. It is one of the “7 Things” in this publication and I highly recommend it.
How to find Creative Commons licensed images for use in presentations and course sites (5 minute video from Mt. San Jacinto College)
The video has some references to Mahara, an eportfolio system used by many educational institutions. However, the principles of searching and saving appropriately licensed images apply to use in all presentations.