2017-2018 ALASC Officers
Chair: Stephanie Barnaby
I am currently the Evening Library Supervisor at the Fineman and Pappas Law Libraries at Boston University. I received my BA in Philosophy, with a concentration in Law and Ethics from Northeastern University here in Boston in 2012 and am currently working on my last year of my MLIS. Serving as Chair for SJSU’s ALASC is an absolute honor. I’m excited to connect more with my fellow students! This should be a great year! I have been an active (and enthusiastic) member of the ALA since 2015. I’m also serving the Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT) on the Program Planning, Publications and Membership Committees while acting as one of the Social Media Coordinators.
Co-Chair/Webmaster: Melissa Ward
Greetings! My name is Melissa and I am passionate about information science in the digital age and virtual worlds! When not online I am watching true crime documentaries, coloring mandalas, playing board games & video games, making my way through a long “to read” list of books, and lazing about with my dog and 3 cats. I have a BA in Digital Media from the University of Central Florida and work as the Digital Asset Coordinator for Blizzard Entertainment. My academic goals involve following the Digital Asset Management pathway which goes hand in hand very well with my current career! Along with serving the ALASC, I also am involved in the VCARA student organization which explores unique learning experiences through virtual games and realities.
Secretary/Archivist: Sarah Edwards-Obenauf (through December 2017)
Hello! My name is Sarah Edwards Obenauf I am excited to serve the ALASC as Secretary/Archivist. I earned my BA and MA in medieval history at the University of New Mexico, where my research focused on 12th-century English pilgrims with disabilities and their travels to the shrine of Saint William of Norwich. This is my last semester at SJSU and I hope to work in an academic setting upon graduation in December 2017, where I can put my skills in library science and digital asset management to good use. Joining student groups and serving as an officer are excellent ways to get to know and engage other students, and I welcome this opportunity! In addition to ALA and ALASC, I am a member of the New Mexico Library Association (NMLA), Society of American Archivists (SAA), Medieval Academy of America (MAA), Medieval Association of the Pacific (MAP), and the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association (RMMRA). When I am not buried in school work, I enjoy hanging out with my husband and cat, watching a favorite TV show or movie, cross stitching, and board games.
Secretary/Archivist: Janelle Peck (Starting January 2018)
Hi everyone! I am currently in my last year of my MLIS. I am currently working on several committees and trying to explore various aspects of library life. I am presently working on setting up a conference in Arizona, the second AZLA YA Summit. I received a BA in History, a BS in Anthropology, and a minor in Linguistics (because I couldn’t choose just one!) from Arizona State University. I worked for the Phoenix Police Department for 11 years before leaving to return to school and pursue my dreams. I love traveling with my husband Roger, baking, reading of course, and hiking around Arizona (when it’s not too hot!). I am looking forward to joining the ALASC. I have loved my times attending the ALA and am excited to get to know new people.
Treasurer: David Fournier
I am an MLIS student in my last semester. I have gotten to work with some of the most brilliant people from the iSchool, iSchool Connext, Library 2.0, ALA, CLA, NASIG, SJSU, and the San Jose Public Library. I look forward to working more with these great institutions and their members in the coming school year. Two fun facts: I commute by bicycle/foot/bus and have been for over 10 years; I have been to over 9 countries so far.
Regional Events Coordinator: Sarah Martin
Hi all! I’m a first year MLIS student, working at Santa Monica Public Library as a page, and a film school library as a Library Assistant. What I like about Info Science is the wide variety of options it gives you. I’d love to have a long and full career with lots of different experiences! I got my BA at UCLA in Applied Linguistics and a minor in Italian in 2014, worked as a Spanish interpreter for a couple years. I was recently certified as a 200 hour registered yoga teacher, and I’m planning a trip to India in 2019 with my yoga teacher training cohort. I love cooking, cats, and getting out of LA into nature. I’m excited beyond words to be a part of this program, and I’m looking forward to diving in!
Virtual Events Coordinator: Rachel Silverstein
Hello! My name is Rachel Silverstein, and I am happy to serve as the Virtual Events Coordinator for ALASC. The online nature of the SJSU School of Information inspires me to create online events that connect students and allow for discussion, growth, and networking opportunities. I plan on graduating from the iSchool in Spring 2018. I am also working with the Sustainability Round Table of the ALA. With this group, I also work to connect information professionals with Internet technology. I hope to meet many members of the student body this year!
Program Outreach Coordinator: Kelley Presley (through December 2017)
Hello fellow Information Professionals! My name is Kelley Presley and I am very excited to serve as ALASC’s Program Outreach Coordinator. I am entering my final semester in the MLIS program at San Jose State. My husband, our 7 year old son, and I live in beautiful Boulder, CO. When I’m not studying, working, or volunteering, I am outside enjoying the magnificent scenery. I have worked in public libraries in different paraprofessional positions for 10+ years and would be more than happy to return to them after graduation. However, I’m keeping my career options open as I am nearing the finish line. I am currently working my 2nd semester as a Collaborate Assistant with San Jose State as well as volunteering what free time I can locate serving in the vacant School Librarian position at my son’s elementary school. In addition to serving on the ALASC Board of Directors, I serve on the Board of Directors for the SJSU Special Libraries Association Student Group as well as the Executive Committee for the SJSU ASIS&T Student Group. Meeting new people, making connections, and networking is one of the greatest benefits to being active and involved in student and professional organizations. I look forward to meeting and working with everyone!
Social Media Manager: Joyce Peng
Hi everyone! My name is Joyce Peng, and I am excited to serve as SJSU ALASC 2017-2018 Social Media Manager. I am an MLIS student heading into my third semester here at the iSchool. I hope to promote SJSU ALASC events and to share useful resources and insights in the library and information science field. I graduated with a Bachelor’s in journalism and am now currently residing in the Los Angeles area, where I am a library assistant at a public library. I’m passionate about literacy, freedom of information, diversity, and lifelong learning. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, working on my first novel, watching sports, and cooking.
Newsletter Editor: Patrick Maguire
I’m excited to serve as the editor of the iSchool Descriptor for the 2017-2018 academic year. I’m looking forward to facilitating a discussion about the crucial role of libraries in the modern world. This will be my second year as a student at the SJSU School of Information in the Master of Library and Information Science program. I grew up on the Oregon Coast, received my undergraduate degree from Eastern Oregon University, and continue to love living in the Pacific Northwest. When I was a young boy my family was of relatively modest means, and libraries certainly opened up a world of opportunities for me. So an MLIS and a career path in librarianship holds a special place in my heart. As for my interests, I follow politics and policy, not just in the United States but also in the United Kingdom and Australia. I also enjoy reading (of course), watching college football, and collecting my favorite excerpts from famous speeches and literature. I really enjoy getting to know fellow students at SJSU – please never hesitate to get in touch!