SJSU ALASC Constitution 


The name of this organization shall be the American Library Association Student Chapter (ALASC) of the School of Information at San José State University. 



The American Library Association Student Chapter at San José State University fosters community and connection among all students and across all career pathways within the School of Information. 


ALASC is committed to providing an all encompassing, welcoming, and supportive environment for iSchool students to connect, collaborate and grow. To prepare our members and inspire our students for service as librarians, archivists, and educators, membership is open to all iSchool students free of charge and provides resources for professional development, scholarly opportunities and networking. Through ALASC, students can share their creativity, skills and experience, learn from each other and experts throughout the country and around the world, and connect with ALA both online and in-person. We believe that we can make a difference in the lives of our student members by implementing programs and services that enrich their scholastic and professional experiences. These opportunities will give students access to a new era of scholarship, innovation, and contribution on both local and global levels. 

Value Statement 

The American Library Association Student Chapter (ALASC) at San José State University was founded on May 17, 1994 with a history of service and encouraging achievement on behalf of our student members. As the 42nd official student chapter of the ALA, SJSU’s ALASC chapter has always supported our members’ efforts to excel in both their studies and in their professional lives. 


ALASC is affiliated with the national organization, the American Library Association, and serves as the local student chapter of the campus of San José State University. The ALA Constitution and Bylaws are available online. 


All currently enrolled students of the San José State University School of Information Science (iSchool) are automatically members. Membership in the organization shall be open to all those matriculated, currently-enrolled San José State University students who are interested in membership. There shall be no other requirements for admission to regular membership. Each regular member has equal rights and privileges. Students indicate their ALASC membership by attendance at ALASC events, participation in ALASC online social networks, and/or volunteering to help with ALASC activities.

There are no membership meetings as such. ALASC events and functions, which are open to all iSchool students, occur in lieu of membership meetings. 

Voting membership is restricted to matriculated, currently enrolled students at San José State University. At least eighty percent (80%) of all members of the organization must be matriculated, currently enrolled students at San José State University. 

Eligibility for membership or appointed or elected student officer positions shall not be limited on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability. The organization shall have no rules or policies that discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability (Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Section 41500). 

No member of this organization shall engage in hazing, participate in hazing, or commit any act that causes or is likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to any fellow student or person attending this institution (California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Article 2, Standards for Student Conduct, Section 41301(b)(8). Individual students may be disciplined for hazing under Section 41301(b)(8). This organization shall comply with Title 5, Section 41301, Standards for Student Conduct. 


The Executive Committee of ALASC shall consist of

  • the Officers
    • Chair
    • Vice Chair
    • Treasurer
    • Secretary/Archivist
  • the Social Media team
    • Social Media Coordinator 
    • Social Media Assistant(s) 
  • the Events team 
    • Events Coordinator(s) 
    • Events Assistant(s)
  • the Blogging team 
    • Blogging Coordinator 
    • Blogging Assistant(s)
  • the Website Coordinator
  • and the Membership Coordinator. 

Only Officers are elected. Coordinators and Assistants are appointed through the internal voting process described in the Appointments subsection of Article VII. All terms of office shall be a minimum of one year. 

All Officers, Coordinators, and Assistants of this organization must be matriculated, currently enrolled students at San José State University and maintain active membership in ALA. If an individual not holding ALA membership is elected or appointed, they must pursue ALA membership immediately. The Chair and Treasurer of this organization must maintain a minimum overall 2.0 grade point average, must be enrolled in at least 6 units, and must be in good standing with San José State University during their term of office. The Chair, Treasurer, and faculty/staff advisor of this organization are also required to complete an Alcohol Education Training offered by Student Involvement.


The Executive Committee conducts ongoing discussions via ALASC Officers email list. Messages are sent as needed. Meetings, either online or in-person, can be requested by any member of the Executive Committee. A quorum of 50% of the current Executive Committee must be present at any meeting for business to be conducted. 


Assistants can attend Executive Committee meetings voluntarily; however, they will not be counted in quorum or have voting privileges. Officers and Coordinators are required to attend all Executive Committee meetings, as they are responsible for updating the rest of the Committee on current projects and representing their teams. If an Officer or Coordinator cannot attend a meeting, they must send someone else in their place (a Co-Coordinator or Assistant). If voting is taking place and an Assistant is representing the team, the Assistant may not vote via proxy. Instead, an asynchronous virtual vote shall take place if needed. If the Officer or Coordinator is in a standalone position (no team), then they shall update the agenda with any important information prior to a missed meeting. Officers or Coordinators who cannot attend an Executive Committee meeting must notify the Chair in advance as soon as possible. Meetings are conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised


Voting may take place by asynchronous virtual vote provided a quorum of 50% of the Executive Committee is met. All Officers and Coordinators can vote on finances, amendments to the Constitution, and meeting minutes approval. Officers, Coordinators, and Assistants can vote on the theme of the semester and appointments for non-elected positions.


The responsibilities of the Officers, Coordinators, and Assistants shall be the following:



  • Directs and have the ultimate responsibility for the functioning of the organization and its relationship with ALA headquarters; 
  • Acts as the executive authority on all matters concerning membership, publications, and ALASC sponsored projects and activities; 
  • Reports all official correspondence received and sent by ALASC to the members; 
  • Calls meetings when necessary; 
  • Presides at all meetings; 
  • Communicates the activities, needs, and suggestions of the members of the ALA to the faculty sponsor and any other body that is concerned; 
  • Announces nominations for the next elections and designates a polling place; 
  • Updates and renews ALASC’s recognition status with San José State University; 
  • Communicates directly with the Chair of other organizations. 

Vice Chair 

  • Assumes the duties of the Chair in the latter’s absence and shall assume the office of the Chair should it become vacated during the stated term of office; 
  • Assists the Chair with the duties of the Executive Committee; 
  • Performs any function designated by the Chair; 
  • Shall assume the duties of the Chair when they are absent; 
  • Communicates directly with the Vice Chair of other organizations; 
  • Maintains ALASC’s website in the absence of the Website Coordinator.

Website Coordinator

  • Maintains and regularly updates the ALASC website, including the calendar of upcoming events and Executive Committee bios;
  • Develops the ALASC website to meet the needs of the chapter while emphasizing and adhering to web content accessibility guidelines;
  • Identifies technology needs of the chapter and pursues innovative solutions to enhance the ALASC’s web presence;
  • Compiles and presents reports of website analytics to the chapter to identify strengths and areas for improvement; 
  • Serves as the primary contact for the iSchool IT support, as needed;
  • Assists and advises the Chair on all executive decisions. 


  • Establishes and maintains banking arrangements for the organization; 
  • Collects and disburses funds as directed; 
  • Reports monthly on the financial condition of the organization; 
  • Responsible for exhausting all possible sources of funding; 
  • Collects nominal donations at each meeting if so desired and maintains accurate records of all financial matters transacted by ALASC; 
  • Communicates directly with the Treasurer of other organizations; 
  • Assists and advises the Chair on all executive decisions. 

Secretary / Archivist 

  • Records minutes of all ALASC meetings; 
  • Provides access to all meeting minutes to the Executive Committee no later than one week after the meetings; 
  • Responsible for collecting and archiving all documents relevant to ALASC, including but not limited to: minutes, applications submitted for awards, official correspondence, photographs, newsletters, video recordings, computer files, and any other items deemed to be of enduring value; 
  • Communicates directly with the Secretary and/or Archivist of other organizations;
  • Assists and advises the Chair on all executive decisions. 

Membership Coordinator

  • Assists Chair with nomination and election process;
  • Facilitates outreach to engage ALASC members;
  • Updates iSchool Student Leadership Canvas site;
  • Leads efforts to encourage iSchool student involvement with ALA.
  • Assists and advises the Chair on all executive decisions. 

Social Media Coordinator

  • Maintains social media content;
  • Oversees member communications and outreach;
  • Maintains ALASC social media platforms;
  • Replies to iSchool community questions and comments in a timely manner, both via email and on social media platforms;
  • Works closely with Event Coordinators and Blogging Assistants in coordinating event promotions;
  • Assists and advises the Chair on all executive decisions.
  • Uploads virtual event recordings, executive board meetings & other content.

Social Media Assistant(s)

  • Assists Social Media Manager;
  • Promotes events & other ALASC activities;
  • Creates social media graphics;
  • Communicates directly with the Social Media Manager of other organizations; 
  • Oversees one or more of the chapter’s social media platforms.

Events Coordinator(s) 

  • Responsible for the planning and coordination of organization activities in cooperation with the Executive Committee and the general membership; 
  • Responsible for working with Social Media Manager to announce current events determined to be related and important to ALASC; 
  • Able to form ad hoc program committees as needed and establish the responsibilities of those committees; 
  • Coordinate the efforts of two or more committees responsible for any one function; 
  • Supervises the planning of all in-person activities conducted as a function of ALASC; 
  • Supervises the planning of all online activities, webinars, presentations, etc; 
  • Monitors attendance, speakers, and activities held at events; 
  • Works to recruit student hosts and attendees to events; 
  • Works closely with Social Media Manager and Blogging Assistants in coordinating event promotions;
  • Communicates directly with the Events Coordinators of other organizations; 
  • Assists and advises the Chair on all executive decisions. 

Events Assistant(s)

  • Assists Events Coordinators;
  • Attends and provides Zoom support during virtual events;
  • Participates in event marketing and outreach;
  • Assists in creating presentation slides and graphics;
  • Helps lead/co-host at least one event during the academic year.

Blogging Coordinator

  • Leads blogging team;
  • Develops new content for blog;
  • Maintains calendar of blog postings;
  • Reports to Executive Committee on blogging activities;
  • Invites guest bloggers to contribute ALA-related content;
  • Assists and advises the Chair on all executive decisions.

Blogging Assistants 

  • Assists other Executive Committee members with publishing announcements and other chapter information on the website’s blog; 
  • Works closely with Event Coordinators and Social Media Manager in coordinating event promotions; 
  • Works closely with other Blogging Assistant(s) to plan and research new and relevant content for blog posts; 



Nominations, elections, and appointments for the following semester or academic year shall take place in the preceding Fall or Spring semester. When possible, the timeline of this process shall allow training and shadowing time for incoming Officers, Coordinators, and Assistants before they officially assume their position at the conclusion of the final Executive Committee meeting of the semester.


Nominations are the first step of an election and/or appointment cycle.. All ALASC members, as defined in Article IV, have the right to self-nominate and to be nominated. The Chair will announce a call for nominations through the official iSchool email list. Interested candidates may submit their names and preferred position(s) before the posted deadline.


After the nomination deadline, the Chair, Membership Coordinator, and other available Coordinators who are not nominated for a different position may screen the nominees through interviews or other consistent methods to evaluate their experience and suitability for their preferred position(s). The Executive Committee reserves the right to select which individuals move forward as final nominees in the election or appointment process.



Final nominees for elected positions are placed on the official ballot. The Chair distributes the ballot through the official iSchool email list. All ALASC members are eligible to vote in the election before the posted deadline. After the deadline, the ballots shall be counted by the Faculty Advisor. Officers are elected by a plurality vote. In the event of a tie, the Executive Committee shall vote on the tied nominees, and the nominee with the most votes shall be elected. 


Final nominees for appointed positions are voted on synchronously or asynchronously by the Executive Committee. Current members who are running for another position shall not vote on appointments to that position. If voting is asynchronous, votes shall be counted by the Faculty Advisor. Appointments are approved by a plurality vote.


If a position is vacated outside of an election/appointment cycle, the Chair may seek recommendations from the Officers and Coordinators and appoint a temporary replacement if needed. If the Chair vacates their office, the Vice Chair shall assume those responsibilities and appoint their own replacement. Temporary replacements interested in continuing the role in later semesters shall nominate themselves in the next election/appointment cycle.


An Officer, Coordinator, or Assistant may resign their position in a letter addressed to the Chair, stating their wish to resign and the effective date of the resignation. 

Any member who is dissatisfied with the work of an Officer, Coordinator, or Assistant may express their complaint in a letter to the Executive Committee. The Committee shall meet with the member to discuss the complaint. If the Committee decides to take no action or the member is still dissatisfied, the member can request to discuss the complaint with the Faculty Advisor. If the complaint cannot be resolved with the Faculty Advisor, a recall vote shall be held during the following week. ALASC members shall cast their vote by official ballot, which shall be counted by the Faculty Advisor. A majority vote in favor of the removal shall remove the individual from their position, effective immediately. 


ALASC must have a University advisor. This person must hold at least a bachelor’s degree and be employed as a faculty or staff member by San José State University. A Graduate Assistant/Intern may assume the advisor role if approved by the Student Involvement staff. The advisor shall be a non-voting member of the organization. The duties of the Faculty Advisor are as follows: 

  1. Assists ALASC in fulfilling its mission and purpose; 
  2. Understands the ALASC’s Constitution and Bylaws and assists members in interpreting them; 
  3. Understands University policies and procedures regarding student organizations and ensures ALASC’s compliance to the best of their ability;
  4. Stays abreast of ALASC’s activities; 
  5. Stays abreast of ALASC’s financial standing and all financial transactions using ALASC’s funds; 
  6. Attends ALASC’s meetings. 


The Chair shall have the authority to name committees and committee chairpersons. 


No fees shall be assessed as a requirement of membership. Members are encouraged to make a nominal donation to finance the activities of ALASC. 


Any ALASC member can originate an amendment to this Constitution. Proposed amendments shall be read at an Executive Committee meeting. After discussion at the Committee meeting, proposed amendments shall remain open for consideration by the Executive Committee for a minimum of two weeks. Following the consideration period, the amendment shall be voted upon by the Executive Committee at a meeting or through asynchronous virtual voting. The proposed amendment shall be adopted if approved by a majority. The adopted amendment shall be effective immediately. This Constitution and Bylaws were adopted August, 2000 and amended September, 2006; August, 2009; April 2012; December 2013; December 2018; April 2019; May 2021; December 2021; December 2022; July 2023; September 2023.