Hack Library School Blogging Opportunity

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Hack Library School seeking new writers to join the 2017-18 cohort.
Hack Library School is seeking current and incoming library students to write about librarianship and the library student experience for our blog. Underrepresented voices, international, non-traditional, and online students are encouraged to apply.
For more information, including how to apply, please see our open call: https://hacklibraryschool.com/2017-call-for-writers/ .
About HLS:  Hack Library School is an online blogging community committed to providing thoughtful, engaging, and useful resources for library and information science students. Since 2011, HLS has been providing critique and insight into issues and strategies that are important to library students and the status of library and information science education. To learn more about our work, please visit https://hacklibraryschool.com/.
Applications are due February 15, 2017.