For our final Spring 2023 blog, we would like to say thank you and give a few kernels of advice in our own words:
“It has been such a pleasure being part of the executive board this year and leading SAASC! We built on what last year’s board started to strengthen our SAASC community. I want to thank our board for all of their hard work putting together events, activities, blog posts, and a strong social media presence! I also want to thank our members for coming to those events and activities for us to get to know each other better. I’m looking forward to seeing what the next board will do! Thanks SAASC!” – Katie Burns, SAASC Chair
“The best part of SAASC was meeting so many great people. I looked forward to our leadership meetings and having a chance to talk and laugh and plan with such a dedicated and fun group of people. I appreciate everyone who attended our events. There were so many good conversations happening in the zoom/chat as we all figure out what this career path means to us. I encourage everyone to try some part of SAASC- attend an event, run for a board position, submit your writing, do a member activity- because it is the best way to find other people who care about things the way that you do.” – Katrina Williams, SAASC Vice Chair
“Being part of SAASC was a great opportunity to push myself beyond my comfort zone and just be around people who share my love of books, history, museums and archives. Hanging out with them virtually broadened my horizons and inspired me to delve deeper into my education.” – Ali Phelps, SAASC Secretary
“Being a part of SAASC has been a highlight of my time in the iSchool and I’m grateful to have worked with the amazing members of our executive team. Even in the most stressful weeks of the semester, we still managed to have fun and bring the incredible world of archives to life through our activities, events, social media, and blog posts. I was lucky enough to meet in person this year with several members of our team at the Society of California Archivists’ Annual Conference in Sacramento (photo below). I hope there will be more es to chat over coffee and pastries with my SAASC friends soon!”– Mia Lewis, SAASC Membership Director
“Well, we’ve made it to the end of another eventful and busy semester. We hope you’ve enjoyed the events and webinars we’ve hosted this year, we are lucky to have been able to provide our chapter membership with a variety of perspectives and engagement opportunities. As I finish up my year as the Webmaster of the chapter, I look forward to welcoming in the next Board. Something I’ve learned within the last year is to not be afraid to reach out to people in our profession if you are interested in learning more about them or their work. Everyone I’ve reached out to has been very willing and open to having an informational discussion about their work and profession, and this can be useful for determining whether a job or MLIS career path is right for you. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation! And best of luck to y’all in future semesters!”– Ashley Minnich, SAASC Webmaster
“Breathe…one simple word, that we all forget to do. When it is all a bit too much, remember to breathe. Also, connect with people in school, they know what you are going through because they are too. Having sounding boards to vent and get advice from helps immensely!” – Erin Robinson, SAASC Social Media Coordinator
“Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and make connections. Your lifetime best friend just may be that person who posted that really cool discussion post, or your someday boss or colleague could be a fellow SAASC member!” – Madalyne Mazurek, SAASC Social Media Coordinator
“We have come to an end: the final blog for the SAASC Board of 2022-2023. But in all actuality, it is more of a pause. We have an amazing group of individuals taking over for the 2023-2024 term, and we are so excited to see what they will accomplish! Thank you to my fellow SAASC Board members for a great year. I am so greatful that I was able to be a part of such an amazing group of change leaders. Thank you to all the students who contributed and participated in our events. I hope to see you in class or out in the real world. Stay true to yourselves because you can accomplish more than you realize. Inspiration, in whatever form it takes, is worth sharing.” – Hannah Holshouser, SAASC Blog Editor
- Katie Burns, our fearless leader!
- Ali Phelps at work as a Public Services and Curatorial Assistant at the Special Research Collection at UCSB (University of California Santa Barbara).
- Katrina Williams, Mia Lewis, and Erin Robinson at the Society for California Archivists (SCA) in Sacramento, 04/07/23.
- Erin Robinson at work as the Assistant Media Archivist at Sherman Grinberg Film Library in Los Angeles, CA
- Ali Phelps, Mia Lewis, and Erin Robinson at the Archives Bazaar at USC, 10/22/22.
- (back row) Erin Robinson, Sarah Lewis, (front row) Katrina Williams, Mia Lewis, and Rosa Pena at the Society for California Archivists (SCA) in Sacramento, 04/07/23.