Happy Women’s History Month! For March, we wanted to highlight a really interesting digital archives that celebrates women through an oral history collection of film shorts and video interviews. The University of Washington Digital Libraries began hosting the Womxn Who Rock Digital Oral History Archive in 2013, making this year their 10th anniversary! Over 55 people were interviewed for the project between 2011 and 2013. You can watch three amazing interviews here for Dr. Maylei Blackwell who is a professor at UCLA, Martha Gonzalez who is a singer, songwriter, and percussionist, and Carolina Sarmiento who is an assistant professor at UWM.
This archives explores women’s modern history through the lives of creative leaders from many walks of life. “Womxn Who Rock brings together scholars, musicians, media-makers, performers, artists, and activists to explore the role of women and popular music in the creation of cultural scenes and social justice movements in the Americas and beyond” (UW Libraries, n.d.). Our hope is that this archives continues to grow, because it is an inspiring project for women looking to make a difference in their communities and be a part of a creative field.
Good news! Brenda Gunn’s talk Revolutions or Evolutions: Perspectives on Progress in Archivy has been rescheduled for March 23rd at 6pm PT! We look forward to seeing you there and at our upcoming event on April 13th at 7pm PT for Writing and Presenting, where students share their conference experiences from SCA. We are also planning to reveal a super fun competition event soon that we think you all will enjoy, so stay tuned!
As always, if you are interested in becoming a member of SAASC, you can find out more here. And don’t forget to say hello and talk archives with us on our SJSU Discussion Group page, or on our social media platforms via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.
UW Libraries. (n.d.). Women Who Rock. [website]. https://content.lib.washington.edu/wwrweb/index.html
UW Libraries. (n.d.). Oral Histories. [website]. https://womenwhorockcommunity.org/digital-oral-history-project/oral-histories/
UW Libraries. (n.d.). Womxn Who Rock [Logo image]. https://content.lib.washington.edu/wwrweb/images/logo_frontpg.png