Welcome to the first semester of 2023! Here at SJSU’s SAASC, we are so excited to bring you new opportunities to enhance your archival track experience, support your educational explorations, share news and information about SAA, or simply inspire you to take a closer look at an archives near you.
We just held our SAASC Spring Meetup on January 25th and were delighted by the turnout! Katie Burns, our SAASC Chair, said, “It was great to see everyone that was able to come to the January SAASC Meetup! We had a good discussion about classes from new students and those taking on the ePort this semester. So many good recommendations were shared as well! Check out the meeting notes to see what was shared!”
Looking forward to the months ahead, we have lined up some special events for you! Two Speaker Events are already on the books: Special Collections Librarian Brenda Gunn from UVA and Christine Kim. Brenda Gunn’s talk on February 16th at 6 pm PST is entitled Revolutions or Evolutions: Perspectives on Progress in Archivy. Please take a look and join us! Our first Archives of the Month will be posted in February too. We listened closely to your feedback and archival interests over the past few months, so we can highlight archives that are of real interest to you. We are also planning some fun new interactive activities, which we will announce soon!
We are so excited to kick off a new semester with all of you. If you are interested in joining SAASC, you can find out more here. For information on SAA, find out here. Please drop us a line on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, and join us for our best year yet!