Ready to submit your work? Make sure you’ve read our Aims & Scope below, and review our general formatting guidelines to avoid complications.

Please also review our policies. We have an AI-use policy as well as a gender-neutral language policy. By submitting your work to the SRJ, you confirm that you have read and agree to our policies.

Aims & Scope

The Student Research Journal (SRJ) welcomes submissions of research manuscripts, academic book reviews, and evidence summaries covering theory, policy, application, or practice which advance intellectual inquiry in the field of library and information science.

Any current graduate student can submit work. And, if you submit a piece while still in school, you can keep working with us on your submission even after you graduate!

  1. Research manuscripts should investigate an original idea, set of ideas, or circumstance, and may be empirical, critical, or theoretical in nature.
  2. Book Reviews should address scholarly works published within the last three years that represent current research in LIS, archival studies, or records management. Reviews should identify the core question of the work, summarize the answer posited by the author, and contextualize the work within current academic research or practice.
  3. Evidence Summaries should follow the specific format as identified by the editorial team via Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP), and concisely discuss a current piece of research. This format can be found on the Format and Content page.